Free On-Air Readings Wednesday September 5th on CLIC Tarot Radio


Last Wednesday we had a wonderful show, thanks to all those who called in to the station for readings! This show exemplified what I originally envisioned the radio show to be: interactive, a combination of Tarot reading and Tarot learning, and a chance for us all to share our stories and learn from one another.

Why not take the opportunity for a free reading and call in to the show this week -- it's easy, just Skype to w4wnradio or call in to 561-422-4365.

To listen in to the show, just click on at 3pm EST (Noon Pacific and 8PM London time) and you're there!

And be sure to tune in next week when my guest will be your very own Christiana!

Jeanne Fiorini



Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter September 5, 2012


Tarot Translation Group Week Three