The Four of Pentacles: Some Truths about Tarot Interpretation


There is no one right way to read tarot. Each tarot reader brings to the cards their own skills, processes, intuition and experiences.

Recently I saw an interaction about a particular card, the Four of Pentacles, which drove home for me some clear truths this card, and about tarot interpretation in general.

Traditionally, the Four of Pentacles is “The Miser’s Card.” The Four of Pentacles can describe selfishness. Some modern tarotists may see the Four of Pentacles as a “lack mentality.”

It is also true that the Four of Pentacles can be a directive for self-care. The Four of Pentacles can tell you to be protective of yourself and your resources.

The Four of Pentacles can suggest insecurity or possessiveness.

The Four of Pentacles can advise frugality, and a conservation of resources.

How to best interpret the Four of Pentacles depends on the context of the question.
If the question is: What is the personality of the person I just met? The Four of Pentacles might say that he is selfish, or cheap.

If the question is: What should I do to make sure my property is safe? The Four of Pentacles might advise you to take steps to protect it, but make sure you are not over-estimating the threat.

If the question is: Should I buy this house? The Four of Pentacles urges you to make sure the price fits the budget.

If the question is: How’s my health? The Four of Pentacles urges you to make self-care a priority.

If the question is : How does my boyfriend feel about me? The Four of Pentacles might suggest he is possessive, and insecure in the relationship.

Try this process with any tarot card to find everything a card might need to say to you. Remember that no tarot card says the same thing all the time. Card interpretations change based on context.

The more you are able to interpret a card in context, the better your reading will be.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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