Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Who Speaks Through Tarot?


Here is a really interesting question from Isaac in Miami.

Isaac performed a two-card reading, and wanted my take on it.

The question he asked the cards is this.

“When I ask a question of tarot, what is the source of the information that comes from the cards?”

The two cards Isaac received were the Two of Swords and the Star. Isaac asked me what I thought of those cards, and how I would interpret them, in the context of the question.

After more than twenty years in tarot I am still in awe of its wisdom and simplicity.

Here’s my interpretation.

The Two of Swords indicates a deep, logical wisdom that comes from the higher self. The blindfold suggests hearing one’s own wisdom, rather than being swayed by other people’s opinions. The crossed-off heart indicates that clarity is devoid of emotional distractions.

The balanced swords indicate a certain peace. Your higher self is not attached to any outcome.

With the mindset of the Two of Swords we are able to use tarot to hear the voice of our own Higher Self.

The Star, on the other hand, is pouring the healing light of heaven upon the earth. Here our wisdom comes from a higher power – from the spiritual healing energy that is the Source energy of the Universe.

Who speaks through tarot? Higher Self and Higher Power speak through tarot.

And, like most answers we get from tarot, doesn’t it just confirm what you had already suspected?

Enjoy the video, and if you have a question about tarot, please email me!

Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Who Speaks Through Tarot?

Video of Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Who Speaks Through Tarot?

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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