Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Using Oracles with Tarot


Today’s question is from Matteo. He writes:

It's Matteo again. I hope you are doing well! I'm writing to you again because I have another question that I hope you will help me with. The question is: do you have any useful tips or techniques to share for blending tarot and oracle decks in the same reading? And is it possible to do so without necessarily "tarotizing" oracles or... "oraclizing" tarot? (Third possible question: is it really bad to tarotize oracle decks?)

I've never been a huge fan of oracle decks (or Lenormand/ Italian Sibille cards, for that matter) and I always thought tarot to be an all-encompassing tool which needs no support other than a good question and a quiet corner to spread the cards. However, some time ago I had the chance to play around a bit with a friend's Oracle of visions, and after watching your review I finally fell in love and decided to buy it. I really feel connected to the cards, to the point that I don't even need tarot knowledge to understand them, and think that somehow they could fit in my readings well.

Thanks for a great question, Matteo.

You and I very much on the same page.  I agree, tarot is limitless in its function; no other tools are needed. However, there is also no problem with using another oracle, media or tool as part of a tarot reading, and the ways that you can do that are as limitless as tarot itself.

As you know, I also agree with you about Ciro Marchetti’s Oracle of Visions. It is a fabulous oracle deck.

First, let’s talk about the word “oracle.” An oracle can be a person who communes with spirits, a tool used to commune with spirits, or the message that is received.

So every tarot deck is an oracle, every tarot reader is an oracle, and every tarot reading is an oracle.

We use the term “oracle cards” or “oracle deck” to delineate between tarot decks and non-tarot oracles.

Incorporating non-tarot oracles into your tarot reading is a great idea for a few reasons.

First, the non-tarot oracles are often simple and pretty, and therefore very accessible for the nervous client.

Second, the way you incorporate companion skills and tools is part of what defines your unique reading style.

Third, the introduction of companion skills and tools can offer validation of the messages you are receiving, and can enhance the reading in terms of energy and information.

Ways to incorporate oracles into tarot readings are as limitless as your own imagination.

One possibility is to start the reading with an oracle card to set the tone of the reading. You could also pull an oracle card at the end for a final “wrap-up message.”

There are also oracle decks with specific themes that might be helpful for addressing specific questions.

Don’t be afraid to explore the many ways you can use oracles to enhance your tarot readings.

Enjoy the video!

Thanks for a great question. If you have a question about tarot, please email me.

Christiana Answers a Question about Using Oracles with Tarot

Video of Christiana Answers a Question about Using Oracles with Tarot

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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