Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Being Objective in Self Reading


This week’s question comes from a new tarot student who is developing a self-reading practice, but is having a hard time being objective in interpreting the answers she receives from tarot.

This is a common question. In fact, it’s one I address in my premium Webinar, Personal Tarot – Reading for Yourself.

I would add that objectivity is not just a difficulty for self-reading, it is also hard to be objective when reading for anyone you care about – friends, family, even long-term clients in the professional setting.

Some readers say that, since it is hard to be objective, we just shouldn’t read for ourselves or our close friends and family.

I don’t like the school of thought that says we should avoid things because they are difficult. Learning to do difficult things well takes time, but the results are always worthwhile.

Learning objectivity allows us to access the wisdom of tarot in self-reading, and makes us better readers for our clients.

Today, let’s focus on some basic things we need to do to stay objective in tarot.

Overall, you will have an easier time if you make these three practices part of your life.

  1. Recognize your own bias, and your own fears.
  2. In order to negate fear, we must first acknowledge the role fear can play in interpreting the cards.An anxious or pessimistic person is likely to interpret a card in a more negative way than an optimistic person will.  A person who doesn’t want to face hard truths might sugar-coat an interpretation.
  3. Be aware of your particular tendencies. Be aware of your fears.
  4. Adopt an attitude of surrender when confronting that which is out of your control.
  5. Trust that the Universe is unfolding as it should, even if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment.
  6. Be as proactive as you can be to create what you want in life.
  7. If you have done everything possible to help yourself, you can relax and be open to what comes next!

Practicing these three steps will help you to release anxiety and unhealthy attachments.

Before you begin even the most casual or short tarot reading, make sure you create sacred space. Release your worries, focus your mind, and invoke your spiritual guardians. The more serious you are about divination as a spiritual practice, the more you will be able to tap in to the wisdom of the Universe.

When you are ready to read, make sure your question is as open-ended as possible. “What do I need to know about…?” Is better than “Will this happen?”

Likewise, make sure your question is of a spiritual nature. “What is my lesson from this relationship?” is a better question than “What is my ex doing right now?”

Here is an exercise to help you maintain objectivity in your readings.

Look at each of the twenty-two Major Arcana cards.

What lesson does each Major Arcana card have for you about maintaining objectivity?

For instance, perhaps the Fool maintains objectivity by living in the moment and not worrying about what comes next. Perhaps the Magician keeps a good inventory of resources in order to be prepared for whatever comes.

If you like, share your exercise in the comments, or make a video about it!

And, if you have a question about tarot, send me an email!

Christiana Answers a Question about Objectivity

Video of Christiana Answers a Question about Objectivity

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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