The Universe Loves Spirals
Three snail shells with colorful spirals on a rock.
My husband, John, said these exact words to me this week. “The universe loves spirals.” The context was jewelry-making. I was curious why a necklace I had made was not hanging correctly.
Of course, he was explaining a scientific phenomenon that was causing my beadwork to twist in a way I did not intend. But science and spirituality go hand in hand. Nowhere is that clearer than when we look at spirals.
I knew about the Fibonacci sequence in concept and knew enough to respond to my husband with that reference and a knowing nod. Yet, mathematics is not my strong suit. I do not understand how the numbers work, or what the Golden Ratio truly is or means scientifically.
I do know this. Many things in nature, from snails to flowers and vegetables to parts of the human body and actual galaxies exist in spiral form. To me, anything that repeats in a pattern offers us spiritual clues and wisdom.
When I first began my spiritual exploration outside the United Methodist Church of my youth, I noted that much of the community I gravitated toward existed in circles. We sat in circle, did ceremony in circle, and danced in a circle. To this day, I run ‘Tarot Circle’ and think of the people I love as my ‘circle of friends’.
In those early days, we read “The Spiral Dance” by Stawhawk in a ‘book circle’ together. Later, I participated in the spiral dance, where all dancers follow the leader clockwise, as the leader snakes the group in and out of a circular pattern so all dancers face each other before the dance ends.
Circles and spirals are both important symbols. In modern spirituality, the spiral symbolizes continuous growth, transformation, and life cycles. The circle also symbolizes cycles,and unity, and wholeness. When we work with a symbol, we can connect with its energy to learn its lessons.
In modern conversation, when we say we are ‘spiraling’, we mean that our looping worrisome thoughts are dragging us down, getting worse and worse, faster and faster. This can happen more easily than we would like. When we identify that this is happening, it is important to reach out to someone or engage in a practice that can help reverse the spiral.
With practice, we can spiral up as easily as we spiral downward. Of course, we must address the issues that sent us spiraling. But, sometimes dark imaginings are not based in reality, and our worries do not lead us to any helpful action.
How can we learn to spiral up? First, picture an actual spiral moving upward rather than down. As you breathe, imagine your breath moving your energy up the spiral. Then, direct your thoughts to be helpful, reassuring, and see how quickly your mood lightens. Put on some music and move your body in a spiral if possible.
Then, find your next positive thought and hang on to it. As quickly as negative thoughts bring you down, positive thoughts can lift you up.
Spirals, both real and metaphoric, are everywhere. When we connect with spirals, we connect with a primal energy of the Universe. We can use that connection to help us grow, build, and heal.
The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.
The StaarCorner
The StaarCon 5 AfterGlow lounge sessions continue with Tarot Vibes: A Full Moon Prep Journey with Alyassia Taylor, on Monday, March 10, 8:00 – 9:00 pm.
Join us for an enchanting journey where tarot, sound, and the full moon's energy converge to create a transformative meditative experience like no other. As we prepare to embrace the powerful energy of each full moon, this online event will guide you through a harmonious blend of intuitive tarot readings and soothing sound healing.
Event Highlights:
Tarot Insights: Unlock the mysteries of the tarot as we delve into the energies surrounding each full moon. Gain clarity and guidance for your personal journey.
Sound Healing: Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of crystal singing bowls and tuning forks, designed to align your energy and enhance your connection with the lunar cycles.
Full Moon Energy: Harness the potent energy of the full moon to set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and invite transformation into your life.
Alyassia Taylor packing her instruments after leading a sound bath at StaarCon 5.
A happy tarot reader.
Tarot to Spiral Up
Use this spread when you are spiraling down and want to shift your energy.
Lay out the cards in a clockwise spiral.
Card One: The problem or issue that has you spiraling.
Card Two: What you need to know about your concerns.
Card Three: What you can do right now about your concerns.
Card Four: A helpful thing to know or consider right now.
Card Five: Something you can think about to feel better.
Card Six: A positive thing in your life that is true right now.
Card Seven: Something you can plan or do that will be helpful.
Card Eight: Something good coming your way.
Global Tarot Circle Livestream on YouTube - February 27th @ 7 pm.
The Week in Review
Your TarotScopes for March are available on YouTube and TikTok. Check out your sun, moon, and rising signs.
Join us tonight on YouTube Live for our monthly Global Tarot Circle. We meet at 7 pm ET for an hour. In the first half, we share readings with one another. In the second half, we share informal tarot study. All are welcome, and it is free to attend.
If you live in Martin or Palm Beach Counties, consider joining us in person this Sunday for our monthly tarot meetup. We meet at 4 pm at Panera Bread in Palm City. Bring a tarot deck if you have one, or borrow one at the meetup. It is free to attend.
From Around the Web
Would you like to know more about the mathematics behind spirals? Check out this offering from Temple University on the Fibonacci sequence, spirals, and the golden mean.
Gem Blackthorn believes that laying tarot cards in a spiral can heighten intuition!
This post, from Embracing Shamanism, offers practical ways to connect with spirals for healing and personal growth.
Women in circle conducting a spring ceremony.
We all need a circle of friends. Even if we do not get together often, or live away from each other, it is so important to be part of a loving group.
It happens, from time to time, that new friends join, or group members leave. A falling out in a friend group can be agonizing.
That friend groups can sometimes change means they are more like spirals than circles.
How can you gather people to you if you need to create or join a new group of friends? There are certainly practical ways. Look for events that interest you on, Facebook events, and Eventbrite. Join discussion groups on social media. If you gravitate toward things that interest you, you will meet likeminded people, some of whom may become friends.
There are also energetic things you can do. For example, the Three of Cups and Four of Wands in tarot are cards that speak about loving communities and friends. You can place these images on your altar, or meditate with them, to help draw good people to you.
Unseen hands leafing through a calendar.
Upcoming Events
Weekly YouTube Events
Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading
Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap
Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up
Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler
Christiana Gaudet with her tarot students reading at an event in West Palm Beach. Christiana is reading for the then-Mayor Lois Frankel circa 2010.
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
770 SE Indian Street
Stuart, Florida 34997-5604
Locations in Port Saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, and Stuart, Florida!
On the web
Online classes
StaarCon information
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
TikTok @christianagaudettarot
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
For business or agent inquiries, call 772-301-0232
For appointments, call or text 561-655-1160
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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 8 Issue 10
March 5, 2025