Co-Creation and Inspiration

Calm relaxing female office worker feels relieved and stress free meditates indoor keeps eyes closed surrounded with colorful sticky notes takes break from work for mental balance avoids stressful job.

When I was a little girl in Sunday School, our teachers taught us that God inspired the writers of the Bible. Our church was not fundamentalist, and thus did not believe that the Bible was the infallible word of God. Our doctrine taught us to believe that the Bible was written by people (mostly men) who were inspired by God.

This was the beginning of my journey toward understanding inspiration, and the Higher Power that can influence us, and push and prod us, to create wondrous things.

There are many names for that Higher Power. Some use terms like God or Goddess, some use the names of deities. Some say only ‘Spirit’.
Over time, I have started referring to that Higher Power simply as the universe. Perhaps I am inspired by a line in a favorite poem, Desiderata, “You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here”.

I think about inspiration in two ways. There is the inspiration that comes to us from the words of a friend, a song, a poem, or a story. Then, there is the inspiration that flows through us when we are performing at our best and seem to be in ‘the zone’ where our energy feels guided in an otherworldly way.

It may that both of those types of inspiration are divine. If I am inspired by something that was created by human hands but inspired by the divine, the ultimate source is still mystical.

As humans, we are all creative beings. Not everyone can sing, write, knit, or draw. Yet, we all create something, sometimes knowingly, other times unknowingly.

There are many schools of thought that tells us to focus our energy on a specific goal, set an intention and manifest that goal through spiritual means. We call this ‘Creative Visualization’, ‘The Secret’, ‘The Law of Attraction’, or simply the power of magic or the power of prayer.

Sometimes our ability to manifest our desires is thwarted. We do not always get what we want. This does not necessarily mean that we did not focus our energy well enough, or visualize clearly enough, or believe strongly enough. Part of life is accepting that some things do not go our way.

It is in this understanding that we look to Higher Power, not just as a source of inspiration, but as a source of limitations and higher wisdom that we sometimes struggle to accept.

Even in that struggle, there can be divinely sourced inspiration that shows us a new path. Sometimes the universe says to us, ‘not this, but that’.

This is why I love the concept that we are able to create our future, our fate, our destiny, but only in collaboration with the universe. Together, with the universe, we are inspired toward creativity, growth, and healing. Together, we the universe, we are co-creators of our divinely inspired lives.

The StaarCon 2023 banner.

The StaarCorner

We have a new presenter at StaarCon 2023 with a very exciting topic. Teri Salomoni is a 5th generation Strega and a tarot card reader. Strega is the tradition of Italian magic.

At StaarCon 2023, Teri will present “Strega Strategies”, a workshop that will teach you to include Strega wisdom and magic in tarot readings for yourself and others.

We are happy to welcome Teri to StaarCon 2023, and cannot wait to learn from her!

A portrait of Teri Salomoni.
Glass orb, magic crystals and tarot cards on table.

Intention and Manifestation with Tarot

By focusing on a tarot card that represents your desires, you can incorporate tarot into your co-creation. You can also let tarot inspire you on your journey. Here is a three-card spread that can help get you started.

Let Card One represent your intention, or help you find a new intention.

Let Card Two show you how to manifest that intention.

Let Card Three give you a sense of what this intention, brought into being, will become.

Tarot reading session, mature female reader using tarot cards.

The Week in Review

I am nominated in two categories for the WDA Awards this year. I am nominated for Best Tarot Reader, and Best Tarot Teacher. Voting ends September 29, so please cast your votes now!

Please read a new blogpost on my Community Blog. I wrote about Helpful Tarot Love Readings.

Did you catch our tarot class on YouTube last night? You can watch the replay!

The Week in Review

Mercury is in retrograde! Here are some things to know and do.

From Kendrick Daye, Working With The Energy Surrounding This Mercury Retrograde.

Here are sun sign readings for this Mercury retrograde from Theresa Reed.

Here is a Mercury retrograde tarot spread from Angelorum.

Tarot cards, Rider Waite tarot cards,the magician card in the foreground.

Guidance on the Journey

Can Major Arcana 1, The Magician, speak to us of creativity, manifestation, and magic?

So often we think of the Magician as an initiate, or a student. We think of learning to use and acknowledge our tools, skills, and abilities.

Since the Magician is connected to Mercury, we also see a trickster energy in this card, as well as an admonishment to strive for good communication.

Yet, I think there is room in this card to find within it an inspiration to use our magical energy, and to connect to the inspiration of divinity. Since it is named The Magician, we can certainly see that power, and that magic, within this card.

Upcoming Events

LaVonna Ross and Christiana Gaudet pose in her office in Palm City Florida.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web
Online classes
StaarCon information
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 37
September 14, 2022

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.



Helpful Tarot Love Readings