New Beginnings


After months of hanging on to signs of spring, it seems that spring has truly arrived for most of the northern hemisphere. There is something inherently joyous and hopeful about seeing new life growing all around us. It reminds me that new life is always beginning within us as well.

Every day I speak with people who are focused on regret from the past. We all have regret, and we all have things in the past we wish we could change.

Yet, every moment is an opportunity for a new beginning and a fresh start. Spring beckons us forward, inviting us to try something new, to release the past and look to the future with anticipation.

Even if we are tired, even if we are in pain, there is still new energy around us. We can use the new energy of spring to give us new energy, and the courage to begin again.


The StaarCorner

Our mission at StaarCon includes honoring our deck artists and designers. Our mission also includes presenting a wide scope of topics and tools. We are happy to check both those boxes by welcoming Joanna Salerno and Lainie Sevante Wulkan, designers of The Food Healing Deck, to StaarCon 2022.

This is an unusual oracle with a specific purpose.

Joanna and Lainie ask the question, “What if food could talk?”

This deck speaks to practical nutrition, and to healing body, mind, and spirit as we explore our relationship with food.

Divination is diverse in the tools we can use, and in the ways we can use our tools for healing. We are excited to bring the creators of The Food Healing Deck to StaarCon 2022.


Did you miss Clarity in Every Tarot Card?
Take it now in archive at Card and Craft Academy on Teachable!
Includes the class materials and a recording of the live webcast.


Make Your Appointment to See Me in the Tampa Bay Area in June!

I will be available for house calls, small parties at your home or office, and private readings by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel June 11 through June 14.

This will be the first time I have been able to visit the Tampa Bay Area in more than a year. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new friends!

If you would like an in-person session with me during that time, please call or text 561-655-1160 to make your appointment.


Three Cards for a New Beginning

Here is a simple three-card spread for new beginnings. Use a tarot deck or any oracle deck. Lay the cards in a row.

Let Card One show you what you are releasing or leaving behind.

Let Card Two show you what you need to begin or welcome into your life.

Let Card Three show you something about how to do this, or how it will affect you.


Make Your Plans to See me In Connecticut in May!

I will be in Connecticut May 21 through May 26. I have a limited number of appointments available for private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, and house calls and small parties at your home or office.

Please call or text me now at 561-655-1160 to reserve your appointment time. It will be wonderful to get together and look toward a new, better future.


The Week in Review

This week I launched a new program on my YouTube channel, Christiana Gaudet. You now have an opportunity to support my channel by becoming a member. You can choose your level of membership. There are cool perks available at each level.

The free classes and meetups on my YouTube channel will continue. Members will have access to some additional exclusive content.

Check out my YouTube channel, subscribe, and consider becoming a member today!

We had a great class on Zoom last week. A question came up in class that inspired my blog post for the week. Read “Choosing the Best Tarot Techniques for the Worst Questions”.

I am thrilled to be presenting at the Masters of the Tarot Conference at the Omega Institute this summer, along with Mary K. Greer and Rachel Pollack. Tickets are available!

From Around the Web

Here is a tarot spread for new beginnings based on the Fool.

Here are the Ten Best Tarot Cards to Lean on When you Need a Fresh Start.

You can get a New Beginnings Reading on!


Cards for Your Consideration

When we speak of new beginnings, the first cards we tend to think of are the four Aces. Aces can indicate the start of something new, or the essence or source of something.

Some people see the four Pages as indicating new beginnings. I resist the conflation of ‘new’ and ‘young’ in this context. Pages can indicate youth, which to me is not the same as newness. Of course, each tarot reader sees things their own way, which is as it should be.

Other cards that indicate a new beginning or a fresh start can include the Fool and the Magician.

The card I want to consider as a card of new beginnings is Major Arcana 13, Death.

Major Arcana 13 gets a bad rap. People refer to it as ‘The Death Card’ in dramatic tones. Some readers and clients dread the appearance of this card in a reading.

Truly, I have seen Death appear more often to herald a pregnancy or a wedding than a funeral or grievous loss.

Death indicates change. That is, the release of something old, and the embrace of something new. Sometimes change is unfortunate, difficult, or unwelcome. Usually, change is necessary.

Change always offers the opportunity for a new beginning.

If we can consider Major Arcana 13 as a card that may offer us something new and different, we might find a more pleasant new meaning and understanding for this card which is so often feared.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Palm City office appointments and private parties in your home or office will be available starting June 4th!

Palm City office appointments and private parties in your home or office will be available starting June 4th!

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 17
April 28, 2021

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

The Eternal Internal Flame


Choosing the Best Tarot Technique for the Worst Questions