We and Me


This past year may of us learned something about the importance of our communities, our families, and our close relationships.

In what may feel like a paradox, our lessons have also been about our individuality. We have had to recognize the importance of nurturing our relationship with self, and of honoring the personal journey.

Truly, these lessons are not new. As humans, we are social creatures. We are capable of great love, and able to do great works when we gather together.

Yet, we are also each unique, and naturally individualistic.

Here there is an important lesson of balance. We must be comfortable in our own skin, and able to love our own company and walk our own path.

Yet, no one is an island. We are part of families, and communities.

When we collaborate, we can create things that we could not do on our own.

Sometimes, we must sacrifice of ourselves for the greater good of the family, or the community.

Sometimes, we must make our own wellbeing the priority, and have good boundaries that make our individual needs more important.

There is no one right answer that covers all people, and all situations.

Every relationship is different in its needs and its dynamic.

There are, though, three things we all have in common.

We all need self-love.

We all need to have relationships will people we love.

We all need to be able to work together within a community.

How that balances out can be different for everyone, and for each situation.

The starting place must always be self-understanding, and self-love.

Once we understand our own needs and desires, we can build the relationships that sustain us.

These can be personal relationships, as well as relationships with our healers, our teachers, and others who tend to our needs, and those whose needs we tend.

From there, we can figure out how we best function within our communities.

We also have other important relationships. These relationships can be with animals, with nature, with creativity, and with spirit.

When we are conscious creators of our relationships with self, with others, and with the world around us, we are better, and the world is better.


The StaarCorner

We will hold the second annual StaarCon on January 21 through 23, 2022. We are planning a hybrid conference. We will meet in person at the Doubletree Hotel and Executive Meeting Center in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. We will also stream the entire conference online and enjoy participation with our online friends around the world.

Tickets will be available soon.

Our podcast, StaarCast, will resume in April with a series of episodes that focus on teaching the skills of divination, meditation, and other topics which we feature at StaarCon.

Check out StaarCast in video on YouTube or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Sign up for the StaarCon Newsletter so you can stay up-to-date about this exciting event!


Join us For Class Tomorrow!

On Thursday, March 25, at 7 pm EDT, I am teaching an exciting class on Zoom. The video of this class will be available for replay on Teachable.

Clarity in Every Tarot Card will teach you to combine keywords, context, and intuition to find deep meaning in every reading you perform, whether for self or others.

The class fee is $37.50. Get your ticket and join us!


My Favorite Relationship Tarot Spread

I am going to share my very favorite relationship tarot spread with you.

You can do this reading about any type of relationship, whether romantic, professional, familial, or friendship. You can even do this about your relationship with your pet, or with someone you have yet to meet.

Focus on the relationship in question and break the deck into three piles. Turn the top cards over. If you are reading for yourself, the first card to the left will represent you within the relationship. The card to the right will represent the other person.

If you are reading for someone else, the first card to the left will represent the querent, and the card to the right will represent the other person.

The middle card represents the relationship itself.

Look at the two outside cards. What do they have in common, or how are they different? How do they represent the needs, desires, personality, or issues of each person?

If the cards feature pictures of people, are they looking at each other, in the same direction, or away from each other?

What can you see in the interaction between these two cards about this relationship?

Now look at the card in the center. How can you combine this card with what you have already seen in the first two cards?
Does this middle card offer a solution? Does is suggest a problem? Does it show a way this relationship works well?

If you need more information about what lies at the bottom of the situation, or how the history comes into play, pull out the bottom card from each pile and perform the same reading process.

See, too, how the bottom card relates to the top card of each pile. What information does this give you about each person, and about the relationship?

For further information, perform the same process with the card that lies directly below the original card.

Now you have three cards for each person, and for the relationship itself. As you read these card in combination, how do this help you understand the complexities of the relationship?



Three Tarot Tours, and an Open Palm City Office

After more than a year, I am getting ready to do a bit of traveling and would love to see you for an in-person tarot reading.

I will be in Connecticut for a short visit May 21 through 26. I am available for house calls, small parties, and a limited number of private appointments at True Bikram Yoga in Madison.

In June, I will travel to the Tampa area. I will be available for house calls, private readings at my Airbnb in Wesley Chapel, and small parties June 11 through 14.

In July I will return to Connecticut for a longer stay, and will be available to visit surrounding states, such as Rhode Island, New York, and Massachusetts. I will also be available in Connecticut, and happy to do house calls, small parties, and private session at True Bikram in Madison.

As always when I travel, I remain available for readings by phone, Skype, FaceTime and Zoom as well.

Please call or text 561-655-1160, or email me, to get on the schedule for one of my tarot tours!

While I am getting ready to travel, I am also getting ready to re-open my Palm City office to in-person clients by appointment.
We are making some changes to the office to assure that your in-person reading is safe, as well as enjoyable and enlightening. Our tentative date to open to in-person sessions is June 4. We will keep you informed as we get closer to that time.

In the meantime, do not hesitate to reach out to work with me by phone or online. You can schedule your appointment directly on my website.


The Week in Review

This week I wrote a blogpost about an important tarot reading technique. Whether we are reading for ourselves or others, casually or professionally, we need to learn how to pivot from the anxious question to healing.

Join me on my YouTube channel for live reading sessions, tarot meetups, and free tarot classes!

I’ve been keeping a blog for a long time now. Here are two past posts that are pertinent to our topic this week.

From 2012, here is Tarot and the Search for Identity: Five Ways Tarot Can Help You Discover Yourself.

From 2011, here is The Community Sandbox. It is interesting to see how much the problems I talk about in the post have progressed over the past decade.

From Around the Web

From Allure magazine, an article about tarot and the search for gender identity.

One way we think about identity and tarot is the process of working with significators. From Lisa Boswell, here is a piece on selecting a tarot significator.

From Labryinthos, here is a piece about finding your significator in the tarot Court.


Cards for Your Consideration

Major Arcana Six, the Lovers, is a card we often think about in terms of romantic relationships. Yet, this card can serve to teach us, and speak to us, about any sort of relationship.

In a reading, the Lovers can discuss self-esteem. Are you treating yourself in a loving way?

The Lovers can ask you what you want to integrate into your life. Are you ready to join the gym? How will school fit in with your life?

When you see the Lovers in a reading, remember that this card can speak of things beyond romance. A good key word for this card is “integration”. Others are “decisions” and “communication”.

These are not the most romantic terms, but they do illustrate the range of this card, and the important lessons Major Arcana Six has for us.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 12
March 24, 2021

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


The Power of Hope


Pivot from the Anxious Question to Healing