Who We Are Now


One of the most gratifying comments I heard from a few people at the end of this weekend’s online conference, StaarCon, was this.

I am not the same person I was at the beginning of the weekend.

Of course, what people meant by this was that they had found the experience transformational (in a good way).

Truly, every experience is transformational, one way or the other.

Right now, virtually every society on Earth is being transformed by a variety of circumstances.

Very often, what is happening may be beyond our control. Yet, the way we let ourselves be transformed is often something we can direct.

We can always choose growth. We can always choose healing.

We can’t always choose the things that happen. All we can do is allow ourselves to transform in the best ways possible given the circumstances. Then, we can discover who we have become, and move forward.

We can’t worry about who or what we might have been. We can only celebrate who we are now, and look toward what we might next become.


The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2021 Online was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who attended, everyone who presented, and everyone who worked behind the scenes to make it a wonderful conference.

We are already making plans for StaarCon 2022, which will be held January 21-23. Mark your calendar now!

If you missed us live you have a chance to watch the session videos. Visit the website for the details.


Join Us for Tarot Class on Zoom

On Thursday, February 18, 7 to 9 pm EST, join me on Zoom for a special tarot class,
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships.

How do tarot cards speak of people, their personalities and their relationships? How can we use tarot to better understand ourselves and each other?

In this class you will learn how to give helpful relationship readings and couples readings, and how to determine the nature and needs of an individual simply by understanding the cards that appear for them.

This special Valentine’s Day inspired tarot class is appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now!


Your Daily Tarot Significator

In tarot, a significator can be a number of different things, but it always comes down to one thing. A significator is a card that signifies a particular person.

Here is a daily one-card tarot practice to help you understand, in each day, who you are now.

Simply ask the cards this question.

Who am I today?

Pull one card at random and interpret it within the context of the question. How does the card describe who you are today? What can you learn from this about tarot? What can you learn about yourself?


The Week in Review

This past week I spent most of my time involved with our very successful first conference, StaarCon.

I am now returning to my normal schedule for live broadcasts on Facebook. You can look for a new schedule of classes and meetups on my YouTube channel for February very shortly.

From Around the Web

We had some wonderful presenters at StaarCon. Check out some of their online offerings.

Here are some free meditations with Mitchell Osborn.

Here is a tarot spread from Jenna Matlin.

Here is a blog about women’s empowerment from Madame Zee.


Cards for Your Consideration

An interesting card to consider when we think of who we have become is the Six of Cups.

The Six of Cups deals with the past, and the way we process our past.

When we think about who we are now, we must think about what made us that way.

The Six of Cups often speaks of that process of remembering the past, honoring the past, and reminiscing of the past. Surely the Six of Cups can also speak of the ways we have been shaped by the past.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 4
January 27, 2021

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


How Tarot Brings Us Hope


Celebrating StaarCon