Do Not Live There!


I am convinced that good mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being require a very specific balancing act.

We need to recognize and cultivate the power of positive thinking, while not venturing into the realm of toxic positivity.

When something is difficult or hurtful, we need to acknowledge it. We need to grieve in order to heal. We need to know what is wrong in order to fix it.

Yet, if we stay focused in the dark place of grief and difficulty, we become unhealthy. If we refuse to acknowledge grief, fear, anger, and sadness, we become unhealthy.

This is why a constant mantra of mine has become, “acknowledge it, but don’t live there.”

We must be able to hold space for the things that hurt us. Life is full of disappointments.

We must be able to hold space for our fears. Life can be pretty scary.

Yet, we must not live in that place of fear, hurt, sadness, or disappointment.

When we are caught in a loop of negative thinking or hurt feelings, we must acknowledge our difficulties. Then, we must shift our perspective to something more positive. That could be as simple as distracting ourselves with something we enjoy. It could be as meaningful as consciously remembering the things for which we are grateful.

The more we are able to strike this balance, the happier we will be, and the more productive we will be.

In difficult times, we sometimes feel waves of grief, anger, or fear wash over us. When that happens, we must acknowledge our experience. We must consider what we need to do to feel better. Then, we need to make a conscious decision to not live in that dark place.

We find our emotional balance by learning to acknowledge what we feel, without taking up residence there.


The StaarCorner

Do you want to stay up to date on all StaarCon announcements? Make sure you sign up for the StaarCon newsletter. Join the StaarCon group on Facebook, and Like our StaarCon page.

The first episode of our podcast, StaarCast, has been recorded and will be available soon. You won’t want to miss that, or any upcoming StaarCon announcements.

StaarCon Presenter Jenna Matlin  Tarot Reader, Business Coach, Teacher & Author

StaarCon Presenter Jenna Matlin
Tarot Reader, Business Coach, Teacher & Author


Join us for a Special Tarot Class on Zoom

Are you a professional tarot reader? Do you aspire to professional reading? Perhaps you would simply like to develop great tarot reading skills to use with your friends and family.

On Wednesday, August 26, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I will be presenting a live webinar on Zoom called “Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others”.

This class is designed to help you have more confidence as a tarot reader.

Reading tarot for others, whether professionally or casually, involves a specific skill set that extends even beyond card interpretations and intuitive connections.

In this class you will learn ways of discovering and developing your own unique reading style. You will learn strategies for handling difficult readings. You will discover ways to make every reading you perform an effective and enlightening experience. Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.


Tarot Spread for Perspective Adjustment

When you are struggling with something upsetting, try this tarot spread to help you acknowledge the issue, find a fix if possible, and then move forward to a more positive perspective.

Arrange the cards in any pattern you like.

Let Card One represent the problem with which you are struggling.

Let Card Two represent a possible solution, or action you need to take.

Let Card Three suggest the way this problem is likely to resolve.

Let Card Four offer a new perspective.

Let Card Five offer additional wisdom, advice or information.

Let Card Six suggest a gift that could come out of this difficult time.


The Week in Review

If you missed our Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup on YouTube, you can watch it in archive.

Make sure you check out the Live Tarot Webinars Playlist on my YouTube channel.  You can find recordings of past webinars, and links for future ones.

I do four live broadcasts on my Facebook business page each week. Hit Like and Follow to receive alerts when each one is scheduled.

This week on my blog I wrote about a funny new world that has emerged for an important tarot technique.

From Around the Web

Learn to calculate your tarot birth pairs, and your top three numbers, from Nancy at Sage and Shadow Tarot.

I always enjoy the monthly Hit List from Theresa Reed.

If you love roses as much as I do, you will love this short-yet-informative article on the magical nature of roses from Serena Fox at MagicOma.


Cards for Your Consideration

The Hanged Man is a card I love to consider when I think about the emotional balance of acknowledging but not living in a place of pain or fear.

While the Hanged Man can indicate a time apart, or a time of waiting, it can also indicate the new perspective that comes when we acknowledge the unpleasant things that are beyond our control.

About this card I often say this. If you can’t change your circumstances, you have to change your attitude.

The Hanged Man reminds us that things look different when we change our perspective.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 33
August 12, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Sympathetic Resonance in Tarot


Tarot Mooshing