Waiter! There is a Problem with My Order!


We spiritual folk often reference the Law of Attraction and the power of prayer as a way that we can speak what we want into being. There is real truth in the idea that we can state our needs and desires and become co-creators with the Universe in achieving them.

Some people even call it ‘putting in an order with the Universe.’ Yet, the Universe isn’t Santa, or a genie, or even Amazon Prime. My mother used to say that God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is ‘no’.

When we clearly visualize, ask for, and work for our goals, they become easier to attain. There is no doubting this spiritual truth. Sometimes, though, it can feel that we are at the restaurant of life, and all our friends have gotten their orders, and our plate is still empty. Other times it feels that we ordered a fine French meal and ended up with a greasy burger.

Why is that that we sometimes feel that what we received is not what we ordered, or that everyone else has received something that we have yet to attain?

No matter how positive and prayerful we are, sometimes things don’t go the way we want.

Some people are quick to think that they are being punished by Higher Power or paying off some karmic debt from an evil prior life. I think the likely truth is far less nefarious.

Creative visualization, prayer and the Law of Attraction help us to create possibilities and achieve goals. Yet, there are other powers at play. Sometimes we just need to be patient. Our order will come in the right time, not in the time we specify. Sometimes the Universe seems to have a different lesson for us, or another way for us to serve a greater purpose.

Prayer, visualization and the Law of Attraction are only pieces of the energy that creates our lives.

There is no way to get the kitchen in the restaurant of life to bring us our order more quickly. If we don’t like what we get, we can’t send it back and order something else.

Life requires us to be patience, proactive and prayerful, all at the same time.

We must be patient to wait for the opportunities we are working to manifest.

We must be patient with the things in life that are beyond our control.

We must be proactive in doing the best we can with what we have.

We must be proactive in working to create what we want, even if we have been disappointed in the past.

We must be prayerful, even when are prayers are not fully answered.

And, even when our prayers are not answered, we must look to find the gifts in whatever the Universe has brought to our table. In time, we can always discover those gifts if we are willing to see them.


The StaarCorner

We are excited to welcome Serena Fox to our StaarCon roster of presenters.

Serena (Bean) is an intuitive reader, artist, herbcrafter, designer, homesteader and inspirational spirit. She offers courses, workshops and Sharing Circles—in person and online. Her style is holistic and personal, using correspondences to guide, initiate and empower. She manages a spiritual website where you can book readings, a personal website and blog, and a homesteading blog. She is a writer and designer having contributed to The Cartomancer and American Tarot Association.

Learn more about StaarCon on our website!

StaarCon Presenter Serena Fox Intuitive Holistic Reader, Artist & Designer

StaarCon Presenter Serena Fox
Intuitive Holistic Reader, Artist & Designer


Join me on Zoom for Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself

On Wednesday, July 29, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I will be teaching a live webinar on Zoom.

Would you like to develop a more personal relationship with your tarot cards? Would you like to learn to find special meanings in the readings you do for yourself?

Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself is a class designed to help you get the most out or your self-readings.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.

Did you miss Psychic Tarot on June 30th?
Watch it now at Card and Craft Academy!
All class materials are included.


Tarot for the Lemons of Life

We all know the expression ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. Tarot is a great tool to help us figure out how to do that.

Tarot can also warn us when things might not go with way we had hoped.

The way to deal with an unfortunate prediction is the same as the way to deal with an unfortunate situation. We simply ask questions to help us prepare, learn, process and mitigate.

What sort of questions help us handle disappointment and difficulty? Here are some ideas.

What can I learn from this?

How do I prepare for this?

What gift will come out of this?

How can I help others get through this?

What can I do to heal from this?

What can I do to make this better?


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost about Major Arcana 18, the Moon.

To catch any of the many live broadcasts I do each week, or to watch them in archive, make sure you like my Facebook business page and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

From the archives of my blog, here is a Creative Visualization Tarot Spread, and here are some of my thoughts on the Law of Attraction.

From Around the Web

This article from the Wall Street Journal offers interesting advice on how to have a difficult conversation.

Here is a great collection of indie tarot and oracle decks for sale from a trusted source.

Maddie Elruna has a simple tarot spread for tough times.


Cards for Your Consideration

The Four of Cups is the perfect card to describe that feeling of having to make do with something which is different from what you wanted or expected.

Very often in a reading this card can speak of limited options, ambivalence, or boredom.

We can also see an attitude reflected in this card. It may be that the options being offered are adequate, and the character in the card is behaving like a spoiled child, wishing for strawberry ice cream when all that is available is vanilla.

When this card appears, it may suggest taking advantage of the best option possible. It may suggest that it is time to wait for something better. It may also tell you to check your attitude.

This card can serve as a reminder that we need to stay positive in order to make the best of whatever the situation happens to be. At the same time, it may be appropriate to hold space and create healing for disappointment.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 29
July 15, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


The Nature of Tarot (and Nature Therapy)


Mystery and the Moon