Be The Light


It’s a new month, and, in many parts of the world, a time when the weather becomes its most lovely.

At this time of year, there is more daylight, and more opportunity to enjoy nature.

Yet, in many places around the globe, the world may be feeling a bit darker, for a variety of reasons.

This past Sunday Christians around the world celebrated Pentecost. Pentecost is the arrival of the Holy Spirit, which is that spark of divinity that resides within each of us.

Regardless of our religion, spiritual beliefs or traditions, most of us recognize that, within our very human selves, is a spark of divine light.

When we say ‘Namaste’ to one another, we are acknowledging that divine light within ourselves and others.

It can be hard to see that spark of divinity in people we find unlikable. It can be hard to find that divinity within ourselves. Yet, we must remember that spirit resides within each of us. That spirit is always accessible if we look for it.

Sometimes the best way to do this is to realize that we are each a light in the world. With something as simple as a smile, a kind word, a courageous action, a prayer, a shared bit of creativity, or an act of service, we make our light known to others.

When we see the light within ourselves, we understand our power to heal, our ability to grow, and our inherent value.

When we see the light within others, we are able to work for their well-being, as well as our own.

We see our own divine light most easily when we put that light into action, when we focus on being a light in the world, in small ways, or large ways. When we think and act in ways that allow us to be the light in the world, that light grows as we inspire others do the same.


The StaarCorner

We are happy to welcome John Hijatt to our list of StaarCon presenters.

John Hijatt is an inclusive practitioner of Northern Germanic paganism. He has been a part of the Druid and Heathen communities since 2006, currently serves on the board of The Troth (an international inclusive Heathen organization of which he has served as the acting president), and facilitates his local Heathen kindred.  

In 2016, he started the Gifts of the Wyrd podcast with topics and interviews about inclusive Heathenry. He has worked with runes since 2009 and teaches workshops about their meanings, divination, and magickal use.

He has had articles published in journals printed by Ar nDraiocht Fein and The Troth as well as The Cartomancer magazine. He is currently working on a writing project for using runes in magickal practice. 

As you know, it is our mission to offer a wide range of topics at our conference. John’s skills and experiences will be a wonderful addition to our roster.

Learn more about StaarCon on our StaarCon website.

StaarCon Presenter John Hijatt  Druid and Heathen Practitioner, Podcaster & Teacher

StaarCon Presenter John Hijatt
Druid and Heathen Practitioner, Podcaster & Teacher


Two Cards to Shine

Here is a simple two-card spread to help you find your inner light and shine it for the world.

Focus on your inner divinity and pull two cards.

Let the first card give you information about how you can better see, understand, and connect with your own inner light.

Let the second card reveal how you can better show this light to the world right now.


Check Out My June Events

A new month brings a new list of fun and interesting ways for us to study together, connect, and share knowledge and energy with each other.

You can see the full list of my June events on my website’s Events Page.

I am excited that I will be doing a Zoom presentation about tarot for the Land O’ Lakes Public Library this month.

Of course, I hope you join us for our monthly Global Tarot Circle tonight.

You will also see that I am offering three free live workshops on my YouTube channel.

At the end of the month I will be teaching an exciting class about tarot and psychic development on Zoom.

Please sign up for the events that interest you. I will look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions or suggestions, please call me at 561-655-1160.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost about when you shouldn’t trust your intuition.

Please join us on my Facebook business page tonight for Global Tarot Circle. Remember that I do at least three live broadcasts here every week, and they are all archived on my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

Janet Meredith is hosting a virtual retreat this month, complete with yoga, meditation, recipes, gardening, ballet, and even a psychic gallery with me! There is a discount if you sign up before June 10!

Here is a great article from a tarot reader about doing readings during the pandemic.

Theresa Reed’s monthly horoscopes are fun and helpful. Here is what she sees for you for the month of June!


Cards for Your Consideration

When we talk about our internal divine light, and our ability to let that light shine, I very often consider the Sun, or the Ace of Wands.

However, in the Waite-Smith Ace of Cups we see the dove descending into the cup as a symbol of the Pentecost. In this image we see a symbol and depiction of the Holy Spirt entering our hearts.

We can see the Ace of Cups as a symbol of our heart chakra, our open heart and our healed heart. It is interesting to note that the Ace of Cups is also a symbol the Holy Grail, the womb of Mary Magdalene.

Very often in a reading we interpret the Ace of Cups as a new love interest, or a new love in our lives. I have seen this card announce a pregnancy, a kitten, and a new love relationship.

Yet, on a more spiritual level, this card can also speak to unconditional love, and spiritual love.

As we look at the symbolism of this particular depiction, we might infer that spiritual love is synonymous with the spark of divinity within us all.

Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 23
June 3, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

The Major Arcana in Action


When You Should Question Your Intuition