An Instrument of Peace


The prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi begins by asking to be made an instrument of peace.

I heard these words so often as I was growing up. Yet, I never considered their power, or their true meaning. Now, more than ever, I feel that it would be a good thing to be a bringer of peace, or an agent of peace. As a tarot reader I try to bring peace to others. As I writer I try to inspire peace in others.

But what is an ‘instrument of peace’?

It turns out that the word ‘instrument’ has many definitions. I chose the first three from

An instrument is a mechanical tool or implement, especially one used for delicate or precision work.

An instrument is a contrivance or apparatus for producing musical sounds.

An instrument is a means by which something is done; agency.

The second definition, a musical instrument, translates easily for me. In this context, to be an instrument of peace means I need to communicate in a peaceful way. I need to share thoughts and information that inspire peace.

The first definition is harder. How can I be a tool for peace? That feels more spiritual, as if I need to allow myself to be used by spirit to help create peace in others, and in the world.

The third definition, to be the means that creates peace, is even harder to figure. How can a person be a means for peace?

This is a challenge that becomes a bit of an oxymoron. I believe that to be a means for peace we must sometimes point out injustice and speak about painful things. We need to be an agency for the change that brings peace. Yet, that necessary process can be anything but peaceful.

We all want inner peace.

We all want to be at peace with those we love.

We all want to live in a peaceful environment.

We all want peace on earth.

Can we achieve these things by, like Saint Francis, asking to become an instrument of peace?

I think so.

I think the more each of us focuses on being that instrument, the more peace we will bring to the world.

As we see from the exploration of what an instrument really is, we can become instruments of peace by channeling a peaceful spirit, by communicating in peaceful ways, and by working to create the changes that brings peace.

Before we can do this in the world, we must be able to do this within ourselves. We do this by speaking gently with ourselves. Yet, at the same time, we must be willing to call out our flaws and work to fix our mistakes.

And, we must allow a higher power to work through us.

At a time when the world feels anything but peaceful, may we all find peace within, and work to create peace in the world.

Peace is created by communication. Peace is created though spirit. Peace is created by working to inspire positive change.


The StaarCorner

An annual tarot conference in Florida is something many of us have wanted for a long time. We are excited to meet that need with StaarCon, the Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers Conference.

The first of these annual events is scheduled to happen in January 2021, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

One of our goals is to include many aspects of divination and mysticism, as well as a rich program of tarot knowledge and inspiration. We also plan to include workshops appropriate for people of all levels of study and experience, from curious beginners to trained professionals.

For more information about StaarCon, visit our StaarCon website.

StaarCon Presenter Beverly Frable Divination

StaarCon Presenter Beverly Frable


Instrument of Peace Tarot Spread

Using the three definitions of the word ‘instrument’, I have created a three-card tarot spread to help each of us become an instrument of peace.

You can choose as your focus the idea of bringing peace to yourself or bringing peace to the world.

You might even do this spread twice; once for your own inner peace and then to see how you can help bring peace to the world.

Card One: How can I communicate in a more peaceful way?

Card Two: How can I let spirit work through me to create peace?

Card Three: How can I work to create the changes that will bring peace?


Psychic Tarot: Live Webinar on Zoom

Join us on Tuesday, June 30, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT for an exciting and unique tarot webinar live on Zoom.

We all know that a great tarot reading is more than a series of card interpretations. In this class you will learn ways to access wisdom and intuition to bring your tarot readings to life.

Students will experience a series of psychic development exercises, and learn some of the many ways to bring intuition into a tarot reading.

Tarot students of all levels of experience, from beginner to adept, will find this class helpful and informative.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now!


The Week in Review

Did you catch Global Tarot Circle last week? Did you have a chance to catch my new feature on Facebook Live, The Saturday Psychic Sampler?

You can find them both in archive on my Facebook business page and my YouTube channel.

My blogpost this week is The Major Arcana in Action. I tried an exercise of letting each Major Arcana card offer a call to action.

From Around the Web

This week I want to share the websites of some of my favorite tarot readers of color. As we work to build a more just society, it is important that we support one another, and lift one another up.

V., at RedLight Readings, was a fellow speaker at the World Divination Association Virtual Conference, and will be a speaker at StaarCon.

Denour Lacoste is a good friend, a talented reader, and a strong intuitive. She just beginning her career as a professional reader.

Ashley Oppon of Sankofa Healing Sanctuary is a well-known tarotist who offers readings and shamanic healing.


Cards for Your Consideration

I often see Major Arcana Two, the High Priestess, as a card of peace. Yet, there is another card, also a two, that has ‘peace’ as a keyword.

While we often see the Two of Swords as a card of decision-making, the Two of Swords is also the card of peace.

When we think of being an instrument of peace, the Two of Swords offers some insights.

To be an instrument of peace we must be patient, even as storms rage around us.

To be an instrument of peace we must look within, rather than being influenced by what we see around us.

To be an instrument of peace we must reign in our emotions, just as the figure in the Two of Swords crosses off her heart.

To be an instrument of peace we must balance different thoughts and views against one another, and hold space for those differences.

Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 24
June 10, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

The Power of the Tarot Aces


The Major Arcana in Action