Tools and Teams


They say that no person is an island. As much as we like to feel self-sufficient, we all need help sometimes. In fact, most of the time we do better when we have a good toolbox and a good team.

What is in our toolbox and who is on our team can depend on who we are, what we need and what we are trying to accomplish. Tools can include anything from technology to cookbooks to tarot cards. Team members can be friends and family, co-workers, collaborators, coaches, healers, or therapists.

It’s likely that we all need a number of different toolboxes, and a number of different teams.

Sometimes those tools and helpful people make themselves known to us even before we go looking for them. Sometimes they are provided to us by our school, our workplace, or the Universe.

The more we are conscious of the tools we have, the better we will do. The more we understand how to be proactive about assembling our tools, the further we will go.

Teams of people can be even harder to assemble than sets of tools. There is an old spiritual adage that says, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. The same may be true for all team members, some of whom may indeed be teachers, others of whom may be healers, helpers, friends and associates.

Sometimes it feels like we are not even playing on our own team. Sometimes we don’t feel able to release an unhelpful team member.

Sometimes we don’t understand the tools we need, or don’t know where to look to find what we need.

It is in those moments that we must take a personal accounting of our needs, our behaviors, and our assets. Then, we must find a way to manifest what we need. We learn that faith in ourselves, faith in our path, and faith in the Universe is our first and most important tool.

No matter our goals in life, once we have that faith, the very first step is in accumulating the tools, and the people, who will help us on our journey.


The StaarCorner

One thing you will notice in our growing list of presenters for StaarCon is the wide variety in topics and in the experience of the presenters. Each presenter is eminently qualified to share their knowledge. We are taking pride in presenting some of the best-known teachers on the planet. At the same time, we are equally excited to share some emerging talent with you.

The field of divination and mystical arts is always growing, and always helping us grow.

Plan to grow with us at StaarCon.

StaarCon Presenter Mary Ellen Collins  Intuitive and Life Path Messenger

StaarCon Presenter Mary Ellen Collins
Intuitive and Life Path Messenger


Tarot is such an amazing tool to help you find your right tools and team members, and to help you learn to work with them well.

The key in this pursuit is to learn to ask the right questions.

Here are the sorts of questions that can be very helpful.

In what way is this a good tool for me?

How can I learn to use this tool?

What tool should I learn now?

How can this person help me?

How can I work best with this person?


Join me on Thursday, May 21, from 7 to 9 pm EDT on Zoom for a tarot class appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.

What is the best way to give a general reading? How can you use tarot to interpret a dream? What spreads can you use to make a decision?

There are so many techniques for working with tarot! In this hands-on workshop we will explore spreads, interpretations, and techniques for reading for yourself and others.

Grab your tarot deck and get ready to expand your skills and understanding!

Class fee is $37.50. Register now!

Did you miss a prior Zoom class? Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana and The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane are available now on Card and Craft Academy. Just $35 for each class.


The Week in Review

Tonight at 7 pm EDT, join me on my Facebook Business Page, Christiana Gaudet, for Global Tarot Circle.

Last night I was happy to teach a free Oracle Card class on my YouTube channel.

I always have a lot of great videos, live and in archive, on both Facebook and YouTube. Make sure you like and subscribe!

This week I shared a meditative technique to transform anger into motivation on my Dark Forest Blog.

This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. My Roots and Wings tarot spread is always a great way to consider your connection with your mother.

From Around the Web

I will be joining a stellar list of speakers for this online divination conference. Please plan to join us!

Here is a group dynamics tarot spread from Barbara Moore.

From Psychology Today, here are Five Skills to Add to Your Emotional Toolbox.


Cards for Your Consideration

The tarot deck itself is such an important tool. On a spiritual level I think we sometimes feel that tarot connects us to our team of human and angelic collaborators.

One of the cards I most associate with the idea of finding and using your tools is the Magician. When this card appears, we are encouraged to take an accounting of our tools, skills, and abilities. Perhaps we need to engage in focused study.

In the Minor Arcana, both the Three and Eight of Pentacles can speak to the use of tools, and the need to acquire the ability to use tools well.

Finding the right helpers and collaborators is a theme that can appear in many tarot cards, including Major Arcana cards such as the Lovers and Temperance, and Minor Arcana cards such as the Two of Cups and the Six of Pentacles.
In any reading, we could see references to the need for a good team and a good set of tools, because these concepts are so important to our success in life.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 20
May 13, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Tarot Toothbrushing and the Power of the Meetup


Fire Meditation to Transform Anger to Motivation