What Can We Create?


I firmly believe that we are all creative people. We may not all have specific talents; not everyone can draw or play an instrument. Yet, creativity is part of our human nature.

We even refer to our concept of Higher Power as “Creator”, and our universe as “creation”. Indeed, creativity is all around us, and part of who we are.

Our creativity may in in the way we solve problems, or the way we perceive things. Our creativity may simply be in the way we enjoy the passage of time.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we can collaborate with others, either in a professional capacity or for our own enjoyment. A good collaboration brings out the best from all its participants, and often creates a product that no individual could have done alone.

If you believe you are not a creative person, think again. You are. You just need to figure out the way in which you are creative.

It’s important to make time for creative thought and creative projects. Creativity needs to be a priority in some way for all of us.

Technology allows us to produce things we would not have been able to do in years past and allows us to collaborate with people who are far away.

There is a deep connection between creativity and spirituality. Both are ruled by the element of Fire. Both rely on inspiration. Both help us be the best and most we can be.

When we create with others, we connect with them in a special way. When we create, we connect with our Higher Self, and our Higher Power.

Understanding our creativity helps us to understand our potential. To visualize something is to help bring it in to being. I like to think that we are co-creators, along with Higher Power, of our lives, and our future. I believe this is true individually, and as a planet.

What can we create for ourselves?

What can we create in our communities?

What can we create for our planet?

Our creativity is the power that moves us into a hopeful future.


The StaarCorner

Check out this week’s edition of StaarCast, featuring Toni Puhle! We are so excited that Toni will be teaching Kipper cards at StaarCon. My interview with Toni was so fun and interesting. She is a powerhouse of divination knowledge and community building.

You can watch the video or download the audio wherever you get your podcasts.

I am also happy to announce that we have chosen our online platform for StaarCon and are once again selling tickets for this exciting conference which will now be completely online in January 2021. Visit the website to learn more and reserve your tickets!


Join us for a Tarot Class on Zoom

Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form. With it, we are able to learn about ourselves, communicate with others and understand our world.

The sixteen Court cards of the tarot, that is, the Kings, Queens, Knights, Pages, are some of the most versatile cards in the deck. The Court cards can help us understand ourselves, our talents, our fears, and our motivations. The Court cards can also represent the people around us and help us understand our relationships with them.

On Thursday, November 19, from 7 pm to 9 pm EST, I will be teaching about the Court cards in a class called “Your Journey Through the Tarot Court”.

In this class you will learn a variety of ways to interpret the tarot Court cards when they appear in a reading and find all the possible messages within them.

This class is appropriate for tarot students at all levels of experience and knowledge.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.


Tarot for Creativity

When you are working on a creative project tarot can be a great tool to assist you. You can pull tarot cards at random to give you ideas. If you are writing a story, for example, you can use the cards to help with character and plot development.

If you are not sure about where your creativity lies or how to develop it, you can pull cards to help find your direction.

If you are feeling blocked, you can ask the cards for tricks to help you find your creative flow.

If you are involved in a collaboration, you can use the cards to help you understand the group dynamics, and the best ways to communicate with one another.

Tarot itself is a creative endeavor in every aspect. It takes creativity to make a tarot deck. It takes creativity to develop a tarot practice. For this reason, tarot is the perfect tool to assist in in your creative development.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost for serious tarot readers about three difficult things that can happen at the tarot table and how to handle them. Read Holding Space at the Tarot Table.

Join me on my Facebook business page, my YouTube channel and the StaarCon Facebook page for regular livestream events.

From Around the Web

This website and blog about a Dad who has learned to sew clothes for his daughter is inspiring and fun.

Liz Worth has a tarot spread for creativity.

Here are Five Ways to Improve Your Creativity Through Meditation.

Here’s an amatuer creative collaboration done from afar with my song sisters. We call ourselves “The Three of Cups”.


Cards for Your Consideration

A clue that creativity is vital to our existence is that so many cards in the tarot deck can reference it. All of the Fire cards, which includes the suit of Wands and more than a quarter of the Major Arcana cards, could be considered a reference to creativity on some level.

Beyond that, the number Three is, at its essence, a reference to creativity. Thus, all Three cards can in some way make us think about creativity.

Let’s specifically consider the Three of Pentacles. While we know that this is a card of work, employment, recognition, and mastery, we can also see within in some creativity. We can even see creative collaboration.

Sometimes this card will come up to discuss creative solutions. It might ask the question; what can we do to make this work? Sometimes the Three of Pentacles might say that our creative efforts will be appreciated by others.

We often think of creativity only in terms of the element of Fire. Yet even the earthy Three of Pentacles holds within it some evidence of creativity. Many of us enjoy jobs where we can use our creativity. The Three of Pentacles may speak of such a job.


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 47
November 18, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Daily Tarot Devotionals


Holding Space at the Tarot Table