Invoking Inspiration


When ancient storytellers would get ready to spin a tale, they would begin with an invocation, asking their muses for inspiration. Inspiration can feel like an otherworldly thing, and perhaps it is. We often think of works of art and literature as being divinely inspired. I don’t believe that divine inspiration is only the domain of the extremely talented, however. I think that we are all able to ask our ancestors, our Higher Power, or our guides and guardians to inspire us. We all have access to the muses of inspiration.

Inspiration can be helpful in many different ways and circumstances. Inspiration may help us create a great work of art, but it may also simply help us get through the day. Inspiration may give us a practical solution to a problem or move us forward on a career path. Inspiration may help us achieve a difficult goal.

Sometimes we need to be inspired, and sometimes we provide inspiration for others. Even if we think of inspiration as something spiritual, it may also be something that we ourselves provide for others. We know that Higher Power can work through us to help others in all sorts of ways.

It’s also true that things borne of inspiration may serve to inspire others, making inspiration something that keeps on going and keeps on giving.

The next time you need to feel inspired in a general way that gives you enthusiasm for life, or in a specific way that solves a problem or allows you to create a masterpiece, simply ask for it. As the storytellers of old did, ask inspiration to move through you, and to guide you.

Along with that prayer, ask that you might be an inspiration to others. In difficult times, we all need to feel touched by something great than ourselves, and we all need to feel capable of doing great things.

Sometimes a great feat is simply getting through the day or surviving a difficult challenge. Sometimes it is doing something to help another person, and sometimes it is about creating a thing of beauty. Whatever we need or want to do, it is important to know that we are all capable of being inspired, and we are all capable of inspiring others.


The StaarCorner

The most recent episode of StaarCast features an interview with V. We are so excited to have “Your Tarot BFF” as a presenter at StaarCon.

My conversation with V. was fun and enlightening. If you are interested it what it takes to become a full-time tarot professional, or why someone might leave a respected career in order to take on full-time tarot, V. has the answers.

V. also shares with us the exciting topic for her StaarCon presentation!

You can watch the video on YouTube, or listen to it wherever you get your podcasts.


Tarot Classes on Zoom in October

I hope you will join me on Zoom this month for an exciting tarot class or two.

On Wednesday, October 14, from 7 to 9 pm EDT I am teaching “Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth”. This class will help tarot beginners get a handle on the forty numbered cards of the Minor Arcana. Experienced readers will find new insights and perspectives to help them on their tarot journey. You can register for this class now.

As we get closer to Halloween, on Tuesday, October 27 from 7 to 9 pm EDT, I have a special seasonal class for you. “Tarot Beyond the Veil” will teach practical techniques for using tarot to communicate with loved ones in spirit, angels, guides and guardians. Register now to reserve your seat for this insightful class.

Class fee for each class is $37.50.


Inspiration Tarot Spread

Here is a tarot spread to help you find your inspiration. Arrange the cards in any pattern that feels right.

Card One: In what area of my life do I most need inspiration?

Card Two: What is the best way for me to invoke that inspiration?

Card Three: What will be the result of being more inspired?

Card Four: In what way might I inspire others?


The Week in Review

This week I taught a class on YouTube about the suit of Cups. In turn, that class inspired a blog post.

You can catch me live on YouTube five times a month, and on Facebook four times a week.

From Around the Web

Check out this tarot spread for Seeking Inspiration from Emerald Lotus Divination.

I was thrilled to find this article from Theresa Reed on The Girl Who Knows. Check out Theresa’s ideas on how to create your own oracle.

Jean Minuchin of World and Eye is teaching a mask-making and performance workshop on Zoom this month. Check it out for some great creative inspiration.


Cards for Your Consideration

While every tarot card can inspire something, there are two cards in the deck that I most often think of as being about inspiration. Those two cards have a great deal in common with one another. They are the Ace of Swords and the Ace of Wands. As Aces, they can both be about new beginnings. As the two masculine elements, they can both be about action.

How can they each reference inspiration? The Ace of Wands is the beginning, seed, and essence of Fire. Fire is the element of creativity, passion, and spirituality. It is in that seed and essence of Fire that we find inspiration. It might be inspiration to create something, inspiration that helps us understand something on a higher level, or inspiration that motivates us to action.

The Ace of Swords is the beginning, seed, and essence of Air. Air is the element of the powers of mind. That is, thoughts, ideas, communication, and integrity. The Ace of Swords can be a brilliant new idea, or a new way of thinking. The Ace of Swords can be the swift and brilliant solution to a troublesome problem.  Every inspiration originates as a thought, or an idea, which is the domain of Air, and of Swords.

The next time you see either of these cards in a reading, think about how inspiration may be playing a significant role in your life.

Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 41
October 7, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Spiritual Bypassing at the Tarot Table


Manifestation with the Watery Suit of Cups