Keep Trying or Walk Away?


There are many times in life when we have to make a clear decision. Should I keeping trying, or should I walk away?

We might ask this question in regard to a relationship, or to a business venture, or as we try to master a new skill.

There are two pieces of common wisdom about this conundrum which contradict each other. One is something I heard very often as I was growing up. I bet you did, too.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.

The other is a quote often misattributed to Albert Einstein.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

It’s easy to see the wisdom in both.

What are the factors we need to consider when making this sort of decision?

If what we are working toward is something that is likely to get better with practice, trying again is usually the right thing to do.

If what we are working toward is something that requires teamwork, and other team members aren’t on board, it is probably time to walk away.

If what we are doing is based on a firm ethical stance, we probably need to stay the course.

If what we are doing is based on what someone else thinks we should do, we may not have the commitment needed to succeed.

Over my years as a tarot reader I have seen countless stories of people who have finally found success after trying and failing many times. I have also seen people waste a lot of time and energy on something that had very little potential even from the beginning.

In the end, it seems smart to rely less on common wisdom and more on the logical assessment of each individual situation.

It is also true that we need to look closely at our own motivations. If we know the truth about why we are doing something we will have an easier time deciding if we should indeed continue to try to do that thing.

This is an area of life where divination can be extraordinarily helpful, not to predict what we will do, but to help us weigh  and understand our decision more carefully.


The StaarCorner

Our most recent episode of StaarCast is super-special because it is an interview with Benebell Wen, one of our two headlining presenters.

Benebell will be presenting both Saturday and Sunday. In our interview she shares her topic for her Sunday presentation.

You can watch the interview on YouTube, or listen wherever you get your podcasts.


Join Me for a Free Library Presentation on Zoom!

Tomorrow, Thursday, October 29 at 6 pm, I am happy to be presenting my program about the art, history and culture of tarot on Zoom, courtesy of the Land O’ Lakes Library.

This is open to anyone who registers. Simply visit the Pasco Library Events Calendar, or their Facebook page.


Keep Trying or Walk Away Tarot Spread

Here is an enlightening tarot spread you can try when you are stuck in this dilemma. Arrange the cards in any pattern that feels right.

Card One: This is what happens if you keep trying without making any changes.

Card Two: This is a change you can try to make your attempts more successful.

Card Three: This is your outcome if you keep trying with the change suggested in Card Two.

Card Four: This is what happens if you walk away.

Card Five: This is your best reason for walking away.

Card Six: This is something you need to consider as you make this decision.


The Week in Review

This week I wrote a blogpost that was inspired by something that came up in a class on the suit of Cups which I taught on YouTube.

Make sure you catch my social media broadcasts, either live or in archive, on my Facebook business page, on the StaarCon page, and on my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

Some of my blogposts have caught the attention of Italian tarotists Martino Coppola. With my permission, he has been translating his favorites into Italian and publishing them on his website!

My friend Jenna Matlin, who will be presenting at StaarCon, shared an article on Medium about distance readings.

Here are some tarot spreads for Halloween.


Cards for Your Consideration

Our topic this week might cause us to consider cards that speak of three different things. There are cards that speak of the need to make a decision. There are cards that speak of walking away. And, there are cards that speak of tenacity. When we see all three in a reading, we might have a sense that we are facing this question about whether to keep trying or to walk away.

My favorite cards to speak of the need to make a decision are the Two of Swords, the Seven of Cups, and the Lovers.

My favorite cards that can speak of continuing pursuit of the goal are the Nine of Wands, The Knight of Swords, and the Seven of Pentacles.

My favorite cards that can speak of walking away are the Eight of Cups, the Five of Cups, and the Six of Swords.

There are some cards that can express motion, like the Chariot, but won’t, without the context of a specific question, position, or surrounding cards, let us know whether the motion is toward the goal or away from it.

Events and Tours

Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes!

Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes!

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 44
October 28, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Healing is a Lifelong Journey


Are There Specific Tarot Cards That Indicate Orientation?