You'll Never Walk Alone


You’ll Never Walk Alone

What we can learn from a seventy-five-year-old song that is still popular today.

Those who know me know how much I love music. One of my favorite songs has a really interesting history. “You’ll Never Walk Alone” was written in 1945 by Rogers and Hammerstein for the musical “Carousel”. Today it is the theme song of the Liverpool Football Club. It’s been covered by many musicians over the past seventy-five years. Mark Knopfler plays a few lines of it on his newest album.

Beyond its longevity and versatility, I love the message of this song. The lyrics, in part, say,

“Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone.”

Whether we see this as a reference to friendship or spiritual guardianship, it is certainly a reference to resilience.

That the song itself has been so resilient over time adds to its power and message for me.

Resilience is one of the most important characteristics for us to cultivate, I think. That’s because life never fails to throw us curve balls. Whatever sort of storms we might face, when we face them with hope and faith, we get through them more easily. No matter how powerful the difficulty, our own power is increased when we are able to conquer the challenge and move past it.

Many of us use divination to help navigate difficult times in life. Sometimes divination can give us a warning that forearms us. Sometimes divination can give us strategy to circumvent or mitigate a difficulty.

Often, when things are hard, we feel we are all alone. The message of resilience in this song is coupled with a message of faith that we are never truly alone. We are not alone in our suffering, and we are not alone in life.

In many ways, our greatest strength comes from our love of each other, and the way we experience love from nature, our higher power, and loved ones in spirit.

When times are hard, we especially need to tune in to that energy of love, and remember that, no matter how alone we may feel in the moment, we are never truly alone in our misery. And, no matter what storm we face, there will always be an end to the storm, and a new dawn that follows.


Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth

Don’t miss this premium class to be held in my conference room in Palm City, Florida, on Sunday, September 15th from 4 to 6PM.
In this in-person class tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience will learn simple-yet-profound techniques to remember, understand and interpret the Minor Arcana cards of the tarot.
This class is appropriate for all tarot enthusiasts. New readers will learn basic skills, while experienced readers will discover new ways to understand and interpret the forty numbered cards of the Minor Arcana.
Class size is limited. Class fee is $37.50. You must be registered in order to attend. Register online today with Eventbrite.


The Challenge of Divining Just How Bad It Will Be

When you know something difficult is heading your way, the challenge in divination is to figure out the degree of difficulty you are about to face. Just how bad will what is coming turn out to be?

When you are in need of this sort of divination, there are a few things to consider.

First, your mindset is very important. You must take your mind to a place of spiritual neutral. If you divine in fear, everything will look worse than it is. If you divine in hope, everything will look falsely optimistic. Release your attachment to outcome in order to get the most accurate results.

Second, it can be a good idea to consider the logical possibilities. You can think of it as DEFCON levels, with 4 being the least problematic and 1 being the worst. Or, you can think of it as hurricane categories with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the worst. The truth is, many difficult things in life, from cancer to pain to earthquakes, are staged numerically.

When you look at your situation, what are the possible stages, and how do you rate them from best to worst? Once you have that figured out you can pull one card for each stage. From there you can judge which stage you are likely to encounter and use the messages of the cards that appear to give you strategic advice.

If you are working with tarot and tend to honor reversals, let the reversal of difficult cards indicate a lessening or mitigation of the problems the card describes.

If what you see for yourself or your client is a worst-case scenario, follow up with a divination on how to prepare, how to mitigate, and what the lessons and redeeming factors might be.

If what you see is a best-case scenario, follow up with a question such as, “What else do I need to know or do?”

Divination can be very valuable in difficult times. With divination, we can plan our responses, mitigate what’s coming, and find spiritual strength to sustain what can’t be avoided.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a follow-up post to my popular cord-cutting ritual post from 2013. If you tried a cord-cutting and it didn’t work, here are some things you need to know.

I have received so much positive feedback from my Three-Card Weekly Readings, which I do every Monday on Facebook Live. If you happen to miss the livestream, you can always catch the weekly reading on my YouTube channel, or on my Facebook business page.

From Around the Web

It’s a new month! As always, we can count on the Tarot Lady, Theresa Reed, for your monthly forecast!

This article from the New York Times discusses ways that tarot and astrology are intersecting with traditional psychotherapy.

How did a song from the musical “Carousel” become the theme song for the Liverpool Football Club? Liverpool band Gerry and the Pacemakers had a hit with it in 1963. Some things are just timeless.

Image from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Copyright 1997, Used by permission.

Image from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Copyright 1997, Used by permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

This week let’s consider the Six of Swords from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon.

Aleister Crowley called this the card of ‘Science’. A. E. Waite’s image shows the figures sailing toward smoother waters.

In the Spiral Tarot image, we see an angel guiding the journey. The hooded figure is dejected as the boat sails forward, and the skies are dark. Yet, the person is not alone. His heavenly companion shows the way and ensures the safety of his passage. A light in the distance beckons.

Often this card will appear to let us know that, despite a difficult time, we will survive and move forward. We will have guidance, and spiritual comfort. Things are improving as we sail toward a new day.

The Six of Swords does not offer an easy transition. Yet, this card reminds us that we are supported and guided as we move through our difficulty.

Events and Tour Dates


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 36
September 4, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Big Love for Tiny Tarot


Why Didn’t My Cord-Cutting Ritual Work?