Speak From Your Heart, Not From Your Hurt


Speak From Your Heart, Not From Your Hurt

Communication can bring healing.

This week, as I was doing my Three-Card Weekly Reading on Facebook Live, the cards I had pulled caused me to say, “speak from your heart, not from your hurt”. A number of viewers commented on this; it seemed to really strike a chord with people. It certainly did with me.

How often have we said things we regretted because of the emotions we were feeling at the time? How often have we given the weight of our pain and anger to those who weren’t the cause of that pain?

Even when speaking to someone who has caused us pain, we are more effective when we don’t let our pain guide the conversation.

When we communicate with friends and loved ones it is important to be authentic. We need to let people know where we are coming from. If we are feeling pain, we need to share that. The trick is to speak about the pain rather than to let the pain speak.

When we give voice to our pain and hurt, we very often speak with resentment, fear and anger. When we speak about our pain and hurt, we can speak thoughtfully and in a way that doesn’t cause more hurt.

There are many people who feel we need to keep all conversations positive; that we should only speak about pleasant things and keep the unpleasant things private. Yet, when we bury our feelings, they can fester and become the foundation for depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

We need to acknowledge our pain in order to find healing. Very often that healing comes from communication. Sometimes it is impossible to share our feelings with those who have caused us the most hurt. It’s good when we can find a friend, loved one or professional to help us process our grief. Never should we direct that pain and hurt toward a person. Yet, we should always have at least one person with whom we can talk about our feelings.

The next time you are having a difficult conversation, make sure you are speaking from your heart, not from your hurt. The next time something makes you angry, find a way to acknowledge that anger without blasting that angry energy at another person.

Own your feelings and speak of them honestly. But don’t let your feelings do the speaking.


Join Me Tonight in Oakland Park

Tonight, Wednesday, July 31 at 7 pm, I am back at the Center for Inner Wisdom, 4849 N Dixie Hwy, Suite 2, Oakland Park, FL.

This time I will be there to teach an insightful and informative class about the Major Arcana of Tarot. It’s called “The Journey of Life: The Major Arcana of Tarot”.

Tarot enthusiasts and beginners alike will enjoy this presentation. In it, you will learn something about tarot, and something about yourself.

You can reserve your seat now!


Tarot Spread for Processing Emotional Hurt

Tarot is an amazing tool for healing, whether used in self-contemplation or in a session shared between reader and client.

Try this spread to help you process old trauma or recent hurts.

You can lay the cards out in any pattern you like.


Card One: The source of your pain (old or new).

Card Two: The secondary effects of this pain on your life.

Card Three: How you have been handling this pain.

Card Four: How your pain has affected others in your life.

Card Five: What you must do to heal from this pain.

Card Six: What you can learn from this pain.

Card Seven: What your life will look like when this pain is no long affecting you.


See Me in Connecticut This August!

I will be returning to Connecticut for my August Northeastern Tarot Tour beginning August 14. I will be there through August 26.

I will be offering private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Connecticut. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut and Rhode Island.

On Sunday, August 18 at 7 pm I will be giving a tarot workshop focusing on the Court cards of tarot. The workshop is entitled “The Tarot Court: A Universal Mirror”. For more information and to reserve your seat for this class, visit the True Bikram Yoga website.

To reserve your appointment time for your in-person appointment with me, or to schedule your house call or psychic house party, call or text me at 561-655-1160.


The Week in Review

This week I shared an interesting perspective on the world through the eyes of a tarot reader. Read my post on my Dark Forest blog.

If you missed Global Tarot Circle, you can watch it in archive on my Facebook business page.

Every Monday, I do my Three-Card Weekly Reading on Facebook Live. If you missed this week’s reading, you can watch it on  my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

Are children psychic? Very often, yes! Here are 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Kids and Psychic Ability.

Here are 6 Heart-Centered Communication Tools to Strengthen Your Relationships.

Are you familiar with the practice of non-violent communication? Here is an interesting piece about this important communication technique.

From Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti, published by US Games. Copyright 2015. Used with permission.

From Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti, published by US Games. Copyright 2015. Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

The tarot Pages often represent young people. Yet, they have other meanings, too. One important thing the Pages can indicate is communication. The type of communication is determined by the suit.

Since the suit of Cups is related to the element of Water, and Water is about matters of the heart, the Page of Cups can instruct us to speak from the heart, and to communicate in a loving way.

Sometimes this card can even show up as a message of love from a departed loved one!

If many Pages appear in a tarot spread, there may be a need to pay attention to communication. If the Page of Cups appears, it may be an indicator that you need to speak what is in your heart.

This Page of Cups is from Ciro Marchetti’s Tarot of Dreams. Get your copy of this striking deck from my website.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 31
July 31, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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