The Journey Home


The Journey Home

Gratitude for the trip, and for the return home.

My wise mother, who loved to travel, often said that one great reason for going away was the joy of coming home.

It’s become clear to me that I truly have two homes; Connecticut, where I got married, began my business, raised my children and lived for most of my life, and Florida, where I have happily worked and resided for the past eleven years. I feel so blessed to be able to live in one beautiful place, and commute regularly to another.

Spring Tarot Tour Northeast 2019 was a huge success. I am so grateful to everyone who had readings, hosted parties and attended workshops. As always, I am appreciative of True Bikram Yoga for their support of my tour.

My Midsummer Tarot Tour will be June 12 through June 25. If you couldn’t see me this time, or if you just can’t get enough, reach out now to make your plans with me for June.

I am happy to be back in Palm City and looking forward to seeing my Florida friends in my office for readings and classes soon!

The regular Tarot Topics newsletter will be in your inbox next week with all of your favorite features.

I’m looking forward to a spring and summer filled with travel, tarot and teaching. Wherever in the world you are, know that I am available to you for readings, mentorship and tarot goodness.

Thanks so much for your support of my work, and for letting my work support you.


Join Us for Global Tarot Circle

Wherever in the world you are, you can participate in our monthly Global Tarot Circle. Meet with us for an hour, share in readings and informal tarot instruction.

Global Tarot Circle allows you to practice your own tarot skills, receive readings, and learn from tarot friends around the world.

Our next meeting will Tuesday, April 16, 7 pm to 8 pm EST. We meet on Facebook Live.

Simply like my business page, look for the live feed, and join in!


The Week in Review

A highlight of my second week of Spring Tarot Tour was teaching a workshop about the metaphysical uses of essential oils with Robin Brace at True Bikram Yoga New Haven. I’ve shared some thoughts about essential oils, along with the oils we featured in the workshop and their special properties on my Dark Forest Blog.

I’m excited to be teaching a Past Life Regression Workshop in my conference room this month. Here’s a blogpost from a few years ago that speaks to some of my methods, and some of the things I think are important to any sort of divination. Read Imagery and Energy: The Importance of Imagination in Divination, Magick and Healing.

From Around the Web

Did you happen to catch the Tarot Blog Hop last month on the first day of spring? Here’s the Master List. Follow along and see what a group of tarot bloggers had to say this time around!

Are you in Washington DC, or planning a trip there? This DC bar looks like an amazing place!

It’s a new month, so here are some Tarotscopes for you!

Tarot card image from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti. Used with permission.

Tarot card image from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti. Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

The Ten of Pentacles

There are a few tarot cards that can speak of ‘home’. The Ten of Pentacles is one of my favorites.

Known as the ‘Castle Card’, the Ten of Pentacles can reference the purchase or sale of a home, or any matters having to do with the business of real estate.

This is also a card that speaks of generational energy. When this card appears, it may be a reference to your ancestors in spirit, and their presence in your life.

The Ten of Pentacles asks us to consider what we have learned and inherited from our elders, and what legacy we are leaving for future generations.

The Ten of Pentacles can also be a reference to wealth, security and family. Within this card we see the many blessing that are afforded us when we make the stability of home and family a priority.


Past Life Regression Workshop with Christiana Gaudet

Please plan to join me on Wednesday, April 24, from 7 to 9 pm in my conference room at 1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL, for an exciting exploration of your soul’s history and purpose.

Come prepared for guided meditation. You may bring a yoga mat, pillow or blanket if you like.

There will also be a section on using divination to explore past lives, so bring your tarot cards, pendulums and oracles.

What you learn about your past may inspire you, heal you and free you for your best future!

Class size is strictly limited. Class fee is $37.50. You may reserve your seat online on Eventbrite up to the time of class. RSVP by phone or text by April 23rd 5pm.

Upcoming Events


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 15
April 10, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Using Crystals and Gemstones to Boost Mental Health


Heal and Manifest with Essential Oils