Hear Your Calling


We use the word ‘calling’ to describe an internal or spiritual pull we feel toward a particular vocation or career. Some people feel clearly called to public service, or to the arts, or to ministry or medicine. Others discover a calling later in life that may lead to a career change, or a new hobby or path of study.

It’s frustrating to feel the need for a change in life, but not be able to tap into any sense of calling. It’s equally frustrating to feel called to do something that seems impossible or impractical.

How we characterize the source of our calling differs depending on our spiritual belief set. Yet, most people can identify that sense of path and purpose.

If we listened more closely, or checked in more frequently, might we be more often inspired to new things?

Very often, when we talk about finding a calling, it’s a singular experience in life we are talking about. The day you knew what you wanted to be, or what you wanted to do. The day you knew who you were, and who you were going to be.

It occurs to me, though, that we can be called to learn many things, and do many things, throughout life, not all of them career-related.

When we feel that we are living our calling, we feel we are living life with purpose. Arguably, the more we listen for, and respond to, that sense of calling when it appears, the more our lives will be filled with purpose.


Make Your Plans to See Me During My Northeastern Tour!

I will be in Connecticut March 27 through April 8. I am available for parties, groups and house calls in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York City.

I am also offering private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison.

To make your appointment, please call or text 561-655-1160.

I will be teaching two workshops while I am there.

In Madison, on Sunday, March 31 at 7 pm I am teaching ‘The Journey of Life: The Major Arcana of Tarot.

In New Haven, on Sunday, April 7 at 7 pm I am teaching ‘Oils, Intuition and Manifestation’. Learn more about these workshops, and register in advance!


Find Your Calling with Tarot

Whether you are looking for a new career, figuring out what you want to be when you grow up or simply looking for your next chapter in life, working with tarot can help you tune in, hear your guidance and find your next calling.

Breathe, ground, and ask for guidance. Remember that the more energy you put into creating the environment for divination, the more likely you will be to receive divine inspiration.

Think about how you want to phrase your question. It could be simple, like ‘What is my calling?’ It could be career-specific, like, ‘What sort of job is best for me?’ It could be related to an area of expertise, like, ‘How am I meant to use my art?’

Once you have your question, ask it, and pull a card.

Take a moment to contemplate the card, and see what answers come to you.

If you like, you may pull another card to give further information.

You can then shuffle all the cards together again and ask a final question. ‘What can I do to move forward on this path?’


The Week in Review

If you are a tarot pro, here is something I wrote for you about how you talk about what you do.

From July, 2013, here is a post I wrote about hearing your calling.

From Around the Web

Benebell Wen has launched a new video series called “Sight-Seeing the Tarot.”

Tarot and mental health are in the news again!

Here’s a rebuttal to John Oliver’s take on psychics.


Cards for Your Consideration

Since we are talking about hearing your calling, let’s focus on Major Arcana 20, Judgment.

Archetypally, Judgment depicts the Judgment Day; the Rapture.

A primary image associated with this card is an angel blowing his horn.

Keywords and meanings for this card include closure, the final analysis, and rebirth.

Because of the prominence of the angel’s horn, we can also see this card as the call to awaken the sleeping hero. Judgment can be a wake-up call. Judgment can indicate mediumship, and communicating with the angels. Judgment can tell us to get the word out about something.

Sometimes, Judgment shows up to discuss hearing one’s calling.

If you are trying to hear your calling and find your guidance, spend some time in meditation with Judgment. Can you discern the voice of the angel’s horn? Where is it calling you?

If Judgment appears in a reading, know that it might be speaking of hearing your calling, or being called to service.


Psychic Gallery at ZeroPointe in Fort Lauderdale

Join me for an exciting event in Fort Lauderdale on the first day of Spring!

On Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm to 9 pm, I will present a psychic gallery at ZeroPointe Healing Foundation, formerly Center for Inner Wisdom, located at 4849 N Dixie Hwy, Suite 2, Oakland Park, FL 33334.

I love doing psychic galleries, because the energy of sacred space, and the energy of a group united for a single purpose, can create the perfect environment in which to receive powerful messages from Spirit.

In a psychic gallery with me, each person receives pertinent information and insight. Group members hold space and support each other, and benefit from hearing and witnessing every message.

The energy of the vernal equinox will add a powerful dimension to the readings on this special evening, bringing the opportunity for each of us to find balance and initiate new beginnings.

Tickets are $30, and seating is limited. Register now!


Tarot Meetup at Panera in Palm City

On Sunday, March 10, from 4 to 6 pm, we will hold our Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup

Panera Bread, 2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL.

Tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience are welcome to join us for readings, conversation, study, exercises and tarot fun! It’s free to attend. Bring a tarot deck or borrow one at the meeting.


New Video Class Available: Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross Spread

I am very excited to share a new tarot class with you, appropriate for tarotists of all levels of experience. In this class you will learn my eleven-card Celtic Cross tarot spread.

As many of you know, this is by far my favorite tarot spread. If I have every read for you, you’ve seen this powerful spread in action.

This class is designed to teach you to perform this spread, but also to teach you a great deal about working with tarot spreads in general. As you take the class you will perform this spread for yourself. Along the way you will add a number of important tools to your tarot toolbox.

The first one hundred students will receive a $10 discount on the $35 class fee, so sign up now!


Tarot Topics Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 10
March 6, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Northwest Tarot Symposium 2019: My Adventure to Portland


Marketing Your Tarot Business: Focus on What Is