A Conversation with Tarot about 2020


I used to make psychic predictions for each new year. When I was a radio psychic, local newspapers would call me every December to get some insight into what might happen over the next twelve months. When I started keeping blogs, I published predictions for each new year. For the past few years, though, I haven’t felt comfortable making predictions for the nation, or for the planet.

This year, instead of predictions, I am publishing a conversation I had with tarot about our grievously divided nation and planet.

I believe that, despite our differences of opinion and experience, we all feel the same pain, we all love the important people in our lives, we all have the same needs and we are all a part of the same human family.

I am disturbed by Machiavellian behaviors that have become the norm, as well as the fierce tribalism that presents leaders as gods and devils, rather than simply as people.

I wanted to ask tarot about these things that seem to both cause and perpetuate our divisions, and about what we need to do to bring peace, cooperation, and a way forward to our nation, and to our world.

When we do tarot readings about community and world events it is very hard to refrain from interpreting them in the context of our own world view, making it much like a mirror reflecting a mirror. To step outside of ones’ opinions and emotions is a practice to which every good tarot reader aspires.

This is true in all tarot readings, but especially interesting in a reading for the world at large. Very often, we find common themes that everyone might agree on, but for very different reasons.

I asked the cards three questions and pulled three cards for each answer. Here is what happened.


Question 1

What is the true source of the bitter division we feel in our country, and around the world?

Cards pulled: Four of Pentacles reversed, Death reversed, the World reversed.


Answer: It’s really all about fear. We fear change. We fear that change won’t happen quickly enough. We worry that we won’t have enough resources. We fear for the planet. We fear the people on the planet.

Yet, that all three cards are reversed offers hope for change over time.


Question 2

What can be done to heal this bitter divide?

Cards pulled: Hermit reversed, Queen of Cups, Magician reversed.

Answer: Communication using both logic and love is the answer. We must talk with people who think and feel differently than we do. We must open our minds. We must learn more and teach our children better. We must let intelligence, rather than ignorance, guide us. We must not let technology be used against us. We must love more than we fear.


Question 3

Will we still be so divided by the end of 2020?

Cards pulled: Hierophant reversed, The Fool, Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Answer: Change is coming. By the end of 2020 there will be more concern for those who are less fortunate, but that may be because more people will be facing misfortune. There will be less respect for authority, religion and government. There will be more youth voices heard, and a new energy will replace the energy of division.


Let me add some overall comments on these nine cards. Given the subject matter, it is not surprising (yet still profound) that many of these cards are Major Arcana; seven out of nine! To me this suggests the hand of a Higher Power moving in all of this. Yet, the Majors also point out the importance of our own growth and evolution.

I resist the assertion of some readers that Major Arcana cards represent things that can’t be changed. I believe the Majors tell us to pay attention, and that what we are seeing is of great importance. I believe the Majors tell us that we are facing universal spiritual lessons. These cards, in answer to my questions, give me a sense of peace and hope. It feels like these are things we have to figure out. That is the part of this that indeed feels like destiny. It’s not that we are destined to deal with these issues forever. It’s that it is time for us to confront these issues, and to grow.

That there are so many reversals is interesting as well, also seven out of nine. This tells me that everything is changeable. We all see different sides of things. We all have different priorities.

That both Majors and reversals are seven out of nine makes me think we are nearing a completion and a shift. Things will change. The energy we are confronting now will be completed, and a new energy will take hold. What that means in human terms remains to be seen.

When so few cards are Minors, we need to explore the Minors as well. The two Minors are the Four of Pentacles and the Queen of Cups.

Traditionally, the Four of Pentacles can be about greed and worry regarding resources. When reversed, that energy can either be strengthened or lessened. It’s the perfect card to discuss everything from environmentalism to welfare to immigration. Basically, everything we are dealing with right now is the produce of fear that we won’t have what we need and want.

The Queen of Cups offers the one clear hard thing we must all do in these troubled times.

We must nurture love.

Now, as always, fear is the opposite of love, and only love can conquer fear.

And, as always, tarot speaks the most profound truths about issues large and small.

Happy New Year, all.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Bright Blessings for 2020


Season's Greetings