We Gather
We Gather
Whether we identify as introverts or extraverts, we all end up gathering with other people for a variety of reasons.
We may gather with friends and family to celebrate holidays. We may be part of a spiritual community. We may attend concerts, classes, conferences or meetings. One way or the other, we can’t help but gather with people. Sometimes this can be enjoyable, informative and healing. Other times our interactions within groups can be very trying.
The power of humans gathered together can’t be underestimated. Together, we can create change, uplift each other and bring healing to one another. Or, we can fall into a mob mentality that becomes destructive and hurtful.
Something that is very important to remember when we gather with others is to maintain our own sense of self, even when we identify with the larger group. When we are in a group where we feel we don’t fit in, we need to appreciate the differences between people, and stay strong in our own self-worth.
Many sacred texts speak about the power of people who are gathered together. We all know the strength we feel when we are in numbers, and the joy of finding like-minded individuals to spend time with.
The trick is to not lose our individuality to a group mindset, and to not let any group make us feel excluded or lesser.
The holidays can be a particularly tricky time because there are so many obligatory gatherings. For lonely people, the holidays can remind us of how alone we are.
Yet, when we are comfortable in our own skin, and in our own company, we are free to enjoy the season in whatever way suits us best, or whatever way is possible.
At any time of year, seeking out the company of people who enjoy the things we enjoy is a wonderful recipe to relieve loneliness.
No matter how self-contained one might be, everyone needs people to gather with once in a while.
Although it often seems the internet and social media serve to divide us and separate us, we can also use the internet to bring us together. There are always groups of people meeting to discuss, play, dance or pray. Whatever activity interests you is likely to be available if you look for it.
The people around us can make our lives happier, or more difficult, depending on who they are and how we interact with them. The joy that comes from gathering with the people we love, and enjoying the activities we love together, is something that gives value to life, and something for which to be thankful.
Christiana’s Annual Holiday Open House
Make plans to attend the annual holiday psychic food-raiser! On Sunday, December 15, 12 noon to 6 pm, Join us at my new office, 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City, Florida 34990,
for an afternoon of metaphysical holiday cheer for a good cause.
I am so excited to be able to host this event at my office. This is something I have not been able to do since I was based in the Harvey Building in West Palm Beach!
As we do every year, tarot readers, astrologers, psychics and healers will be on hand to provide free mini-sessions on a first-come, first-served basis in exchange for your donation of non-perishable food items to be given to the Treasure Coast Food Bank.
Bring food to donate and work with our staff of talented professionals and students! Bring a holiday treat for the snack table! Card and Craft, Inc. will provide beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate and water).
Are you a reader or healer? Volunteer your time and skills for this exciting event! Call or text Christiana at 561-655-1160 to get on the volunteer list. Readers and healers will volunteer in two shifts, 12-3pm and 3-6 pm. Sign up for the shift that is best for you. Bring your business cards to promote your business! Students are welcome to volunteer and practice their skills.
Tarot Fellowship and Group Dynamics
I once had a tarot student tell me that she felt that our tarot friends are our best friends, because we speak the same language. Tarot meetup groups and study groups are popular all over the world, for this reason.
Tarot is also an interesting tool to help us understand group dynamics. Whether you are looking at a family, a church group, a work or school cohort or a group of friends, you can use tarot to help understand how the group can function best, and how the group can support all its members.
You can begin a group dynamics reading simply by pulling one card to represent each member of the group. See how each card describes each member. Then, look at how the cards interact with each other, and see how those interactions mirror the interactions of the actual people.
You can learn a lot from this by seeing who is working well together, and who isn’t.
Once you have gotten as much information as you can from these cards, you can ask specific questions based on what you have learned.
For example, look at the group members who don’t seem happy or don’t seem to be functioning well. Ask questions such as, “What can we do for this person?” or “How can we help this person function better within this group?”
If you are part of a difficult family group, doing a reading like this can help you understand the best ways to navigate your family.
If you are lucky enough to share tarot with your friends, you can involve your entire friend group in an exercise such as this to help everyone in your group feel supported.
The Week in Review
This week I shared a post about creating your own tarot card spreads. Wherever you are in your tarot journey, the practice of creating your own spreads can be a fascinating way to deepen your skills.
Your Three-Card Weekly Reading was very interesting this week. If you missed it, you can find it in archive on my YouTube channel and Facebook business page. You can also find in on my Instagram, @christianatarot.
On my YouTube channel you will also see my contribution to #NewBeginning2020, a day-long ‘tarotthon’ that took place on YouTube on November 24.
From Around the Web
Here are some Thanksgiving tarot spreads for you to try.
Cher Green asks you to divide the deck into its suits and pull one card from each. The result is a profound Thanksgiving exploration.
Tarotingie has created two spread, one that focuses on gratitude, and the other, on wishes.
The U.S. Games Blog offers us The Path to Thanksgiving.
The Four Elements: Healing, Manifestation and Divination
Please plan to join us for the final class of 2019, on Sunday, December 8, 4 to 6 pm.
The class will be held at my new office, 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City, FL 34990
In this special class I will teach you to work with the Four Elements.
The energy of the Four Elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, has long been used in healing, divination and magic.
When we connect with the Four Elements, we can harness their powers for our benefit.
In this class you will learn how to work with the energies of Earth, Air, Fire and Water to bring healing, facilitate intuition, and manifest your best future.
No prior experience is necessary to take this class.
Seating for this class is limited. To register and reserve your seat, visit Eventbrite to pay your $37.50 class fee and receive your ticket.
Image from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Copyright 1997, Used with permission.
Cards for Your Consideration
No one tarot card speaks more of parties and social gatherings than does the Three of Cups. The Three of Cups can address alcohol consumption and communities of women, specifically. Yet, this card can also apply to any happy gathering, party or celebration.
It would be a wonderful world if this card described every family’s holiday gathering!
The Three of Cups often appears in a reading to invite you to a party, or to encourage your attendance at a celebratory gathering.
May your holidays include plenty of Three of Cups moments!
Upcoming Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 48
November 27, 2019