First Steps and Moving Forward


First Steps and Moving Forward

When I began as a tarot professional in the early 1990s, my first rent was five dollars a week. What that bought me was a booth every Sunday afternoon at the Risom Mill Flea Market in Danielson, Connecticut. My booth was across from someone selling military surplus. To my left was lingerie, and to my right was country western line dancing gear.

Our children were small. Every Sunday I would dismantle our dining table, put it in our station wagon and take it to the flea market. Our dining table became my reading table for the afternoon. My family couldn’t eat dinner until I came home with the table.

After a few weeks I had earned enough money to make an investment in the business. We spent $35 on a plastic outdoor table that could stay set up in the booth. Even after I left the flea market and opened my first full-time office, that table became my reading table for outdoor fairs and festivals. That table served me well for twenty years. I read for thousands of people at that table over the years.

At the time, it felt like a big deal to spend $35 on the business. Clearly, it turned out to be a good investment.

This week we purchased furniture for the lounge area of the new office. This was a much larger expenditure than that first table. This purchase made me think about how far we have come in twenty-five years.

The first steps we make in our humble beginnings feel humongous; sometimes even larger than the bigger steps we take later. Those first steps are scary. Without them, though, there would never be opportunity for growth and success.

No matter our present age, there will always be a need for scary first steps. Those steps require faith, courage, vision, hope, and a desire to grow.

When we take next steps later, we look back in appreciation of our journey. We need to be grateful to our earlier selves for taking those first steps.

Wherever we are at the moment, we always need to have the courage to make a first step, or to take a next step forward.

Life is complex. At any particular time, we may be starting new things, building on other things, and completing still more things. Yet, without faith, vision and the willingness to grow, we would never be able to take first steps, or to move forward.

Without the ability to look back in gratitude, and to look forward in hope, we would never be able to pursue our dreams.


New Office Opening November 1!

Please plan to have a reading with me in my new office, anytime November 1 or after. Card and Craft, Inc.’s new headquarters will have a larger conference room, a lovely lounge area, some retail space, and, of course, a private and comfortable reading room. Get your friends together for an in-office psychic party!

I am in the process of planning some wonderful events for our community to enjoy in this new space that will be more than simply an office, it will be a spiritual community center!

The new office, in Parkway Plaza, is just a few miles away from the Westbridge Building where we have happily worked for the past three years. It’s closer to I-95 and Florida’s Turnpike, and closer to Panera Bread where we hold our monthly meetups!

Of course, if you would like to see me in October, I will be happy to accommodate you in my current office, right up until moving day!


Three Cards for Stepping Forward

Using a tarot or oracle deck, try this three-card spread for wisdom and information to guide you as you take steps to make your vision a reality.

Let Card One describe your vision, plan or goal.

Let Card Two give you advice for the first (or next) step you need to take.

Let Card Three give you a glimpse of your ultimate success, or ideas of things to embrace or avoid to achieve that success.


The Week in Review

This week I shared some thoughts on the ways that we make relationships more difficult than they need to be.

We had a great time at Global Tarot Circle last week! You can watch it in archive on Facebook!

Every Monday I share my Three-Card Weekly Reading. You can always find it in archive on my Facebook Business Page and my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

I loved this story from Science Friday about Relearning the Star Stories of Indigenous People.

Thinking about beginning a tarot practice? Here’s how to take your first steps on your tarot journey!

Already working with a deck? Here is a Tarot Spread for New Beginnings.

Image from Universal Waite Tarot, Copyright 1990 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Image from Universal Waite Tarot, Copyright 1990 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

Last week we looked at the Two of Swords as a card of peace in the present moment. This week let’s consider the Two of Wands as a card of vision for the future. Whether we are taking a first step now, or looking back to our humble beginnings, or looking forward to our ultimate success, the Two of Wands holds wisdom for us.

The Two of Wands is about plotting, planning, dreaming and scheming. In the image, we see a person looking at a globe as if wondering how they will leave their mark on the world.

This card encourages us to do the same. We can look to this card for courage, and as a reminder that we are right to dream, and right to hold a vision for our success. Without having first a concept, a thought, an idea, there can never be a way forward.

This process of creating a vision is always the first step toward any goal.

When you see this card in a reading, remember that it may be asking you to think about what step you want to take next, and to hold a vision for your success.

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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 42
October 16, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

A Tarot Perspective Shift That Can Change Your Life


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