Between Two Pillars


Between Two Pillars

Finding balance is the key to peace.

If you have ever spent any time with a Waite or Waite-inspired tarot deck you may have noticed that Major Arcana Card 2, the High Priestess, sits between two pillars.

These two pillars are Boaz and Jachin, the pillars outside Solomon’s Temple mentioned in the Bible.

As we proceed through the Major Arcana, we see representation of these pillars in many of the cards. Clearly, these pillars are important, but why?

In the Waite High Priestess one pillar is white and the other is black. One represents Mercy while the other, Severity. That the High Priestess sits between these two extremes tells us something of her nature, and something that perhaps we often need to emulate.

The concept of balancing two extremes appears in other philosophies, including Buddhism. There, the Middle Way is a way of living that embraces both spiritual and material blessings, neither living in one world or the other, but balancing between them.

Very often we speak of needing more balance in life, be it a better work/life balance or better equity in a relationship.

Perhaps all balance begins with the message of the High Priestess. Perhaps as we interact with others throughout the day, and as we deal with ourselves, we must be like the High Priestess by keeping the balance between Mercy and Severity.

What does it mean to balance those two energies? It means that we don’t pass judgement, but neither do we let ourselves be taken advantage of. It means we act with compassion without enabling someone to continue negative behavior.

When we look at the High Priestess, we see that she is serene and peaceful in her countenance. The High Priestess teaches us that keeping balance keeps peace.


Upcoming Tarot Tour Dates

While I am always available worldwide for readings and mentorship by phone, Skype, FaceTime and Messenger, I love to travel to give in-person readings, teach workshops and entertain at parties.

I am planning on traveling more in 2019 than I have ever before. Mark your calendar for the dates below, and watch this newsletter for more information each week.

Tampa Tarot Tour beginning February 15

I will be making regular trips to Tampa to offer private readings and house parties. Look for classes, workshops and meetups as well. If you would like to see me or host a party in the Tampa area in February, email me or call me at 561-655-1160.

Northwest Tarot Symposium March 1-4, Portland Oregon

I will be presenting, along with Jenna Matlin and Jay and Jadzia DeForest, a day-long program on professional tarot on the final day of the symposium, Monday. Tickets are still available, join us in Portland for an inspirational time! I will have limited availability for private readings while I am in town. Reach out for details.

Spring Northeastern Tarot Tour March 26-April 9

I will be in Connecticut offering house parties in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut, as well as private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison. Look for some exciting workshops in Madison and New Haven as well.  If you would like to see me or host a party while I am in town, email me or call me at 561-655-1160.

 Is there somewhere you would like me to visit? Reach out and let’s see if we can plan something!


Two-Pillar Spreads

We can use the Two Pillars, Boaz and Jachin, to create any number of helpful tarot spreads. For example, Card One could be, “In what area of life should I be more merciful toward myself? Card Two could be “In what aspects of life should I hold myself to a higher standard?”

You could also use these two positions to ask, “How can I show more mercy to others?” And “Where should I be more protective of myself?”

Try as many two-card readings based on the Two Pillars as you can think of!


The Week in Review

This week I spent some time thinking about Major Arcana 10, the Wheel of Fortune.

From Around the Web

Are you interested in learning more about traditions that include the wisdom of Solomon? Here is a place to start.

To learn more about the tarot High Priestess, check with the American Tarot Association.

Here is more information about the pillars themselves, Boaz and Jachin.


Cards for Your Consideration

This week, I ask you to consider Major Arcana 5 from The Lover’s Path Tarot by Kris Waldherr. In this deck, each Major Arcana card is illustrated with a famous love story from history and literature.

The name of Major Arcana 5 has been changed to “Tradition,” and the couple chosen to represent this card are Romeo and Juliet.

“Tradition” is a good keyword for the Hierophant because it evokes the two-sided energy of this card so well. On one hand, traditions are comfortable and beautiful. Traditions mark the passage of time and bring people together. On the other hand, traditions can be used to hurt people, and to suppress important growth and change.

The conundrum with the Hierophant, and the Pope he was originally drawn to represent, is this dichotomy.

The tragic story of Romeo and Juliet is a perfect illustration of the Hierophant energy.

In a reading, the Hierophant may express a desire to do the traditional thing, or to conform to the rule of an authority, or seek the advice of an authority.

This same card may also suggest that one must break out of tradition and be one’s own authority.

When the Hierophant appears, it may be time to consider your relationship to traditions and the authorities who keep them.


Upcoming Events

Thursday, January 24, 7 to 9 pm
Major Arcana: Lessons and Interpretations
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta, FL

Beginners and experienced readers will enjoy this fascinating exploration of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Learn how to interpret these cards in a reading, and how to embrace their lessons of personal and spiritual growth.

Register with Dream Angels.


Sunday, January 27, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join us for a free, informal tarot workshop with plenty of opportunity for fellowship! We enjoy food, readings and learning about tarot, ourselves and each other in our monthly meeting. Beginners and long-time enthusiasts are welcome! You may RSVP on the Meetup site or simply find as at Panera.


Tuesday, January 29, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join tarotists from around the world for this free webinar. We will share readings, study, fun and fellowship.

Simply visit my Facebook business page, hit Like, and look for the live feed.


Thursday, January 31, 7 to 9 pm
Psychic Gallery with Christiana Gaudet
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta, FL

Bring your questions and join us in sacred space for an insightful and entertaining evening! In this small group setting each person attending will receive helpful information and answers. You may even receive a message from a loved one in spirit!

Register with Dream Angels.


Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Sunday, February 10, 4 to 6 pm
Christiana’s Conference Room

1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

How do tarot cards speak of people, their personalities and their relationships? How can we use tarot to better understand ourselves and each other?

In this class you will learn how to give helpful relationship readings and couples readings, and how to determine the nature and needs of an individual simply by understanding the cards that appear for them.

This special Valentine’s Day inspired tarot class is appropriate for readers of all levels of experience. Bring your tarot deck or buy or borrow one in class. Class fee is $37.50. Seating is limited, reserve your seat online!


Volume 2, Issue 4

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Why Your New Tarot Business Might Fail (And How to Make It Work)


Musings on the Wheel of Fortune