Your Internal Like Button


This week I have noticed a lot of people in a place of angry judgment, either with themselves or others.

The word ‘judgment’ gets a bad rap, and for a good reason. Judgment is discernment, and discernment is necessary to be able to make good choices. However, we tend to use the word ‘judgment’ specifically when we are making decisions about other people’s value, or about our own value.

It’s important to be discerning when deciding who we want around us. We don’t want to hire someone unfit for the job or marry someone whose character we don’t admire. We consider selectivity in dating and friendship a good quality. All of this is judgment, but I don’t think it’s the kind of judgment Biblically forbidden in Matthew 7:1-3 where we are instructed not to judge others to avoid being judged ourselves.

I think the admonition against that kind of hurtful judgment includes negative self-judgment; those moments where we let our regret for a human mistake turn into a full-on condemnation of our own character.

Hurtful judgment can also be cast toward strangers, either individuals or groups. It seems to be our nature to want to categorize everything as either good or bad, right or wrong.

Aside from basic human values, I would argue that very few things in life are inherently good or bad. It really all comes down to what we like, and what we don’t like.

If we could judge the things we like and don’t like rather than try to divide everything and everybody into categories of good and bad, I think the world would be a happier place.

Imagine it. The energy of saying, “That person is a bad person.” is much heavier than simply saying, “I don’t like that person.” The damage of saying “I hate myself for failing that test” is much greater than “I don’t like that I got an F.”

Every social media platform allows us the opportunity to hit a “Like” or “Upvote” button to show our affection, appreciation and support. Some platforms let us downvote as well.

Perhaps we each need to employ internal upvote and downvote buttons. If we simply allow ourselves to discern what we like and don’t like, rather than having to judge ourselves and others as good or bad, I think we’ll spend a lot less energy being angry, and a lot more time enjoying what we like!


The Week in Review

Have you seen my new blog post about reading tarot for others? Sometimes the hardest part is in the first moments.

I found a great post on Maelstrom Tarot from last year called Connecting with your Ancestors Through Tarot. As October approaches our thoughts naturally turn to those who have gone before. Tarot is a great way to check in with them.

Liz Worth has recently shared Three Truths About Running A Tarot Business.

Remember, too, that if you have a tarot business or are interested in starting one, I will be part of a day-long seminar as an extension of the Northwest Tarot Symposium in March. You can sign up now!

Now to talk about another kind of card deck. Have you played Cards Against Humanity? Did you know the game creators are looking for new card authors? You have until August 31 to contribute your ideas!


See Me on the Upper East Side of NYC

On Friday, September 7th in the afternoon and evening, and in the morning of Saturday, September 8th, I am offering hour and half hour readings by appointment in a private apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

To reserve your time slot, simply call or text 561-655-1160. Tell your friends in NYC – this is a rare opportunity to have an in-person appointment with me!


Judging Judgment

Card 21 of the Major Arcana of tarot is typically called "Judgment". In the popular Waite illustration, we see the Angel Gabriel blowing his horn to awaken the dead into a new life. Archetypally, this is the Rapture; the Judgment Day. In fact, most illustrations of this card include an angel with a horn. The feeling invoked is a call to awaken a sleeping hero, or a 'wake-up call' for ourselves.

Classic interpretations for Judgment include concepts like 'wake-up call' and 'hearing your calling'. Judgment can be about endings and new beginnings. Judgment is the card of 'get over it!' advising closure to grief, loss and the past in general. Judgment is the final analysis, when we are able to judge the results of our efforts. Typically, the presence of this card indicates that we should judge those results favorably.

Often the question arises as to whether Major Arcana 21 can speak of angry judgment, negative judgment, that sort of judgment that hurts others; that sort of judgment against which we are admonished.

The truth is, in a particular reading, card images and words might be interpreted literally. Some readers might find within this card the harmful judgment against others. However, if we look to the archetypal reference of this card and find within it a spiritual message, we may find advice against harboring those kinds of judgmental feelings.

The angel of Judgment arrives to wake us out of harmful habits. Judgment asks us to put closure to the past rather than to harbor bad feelings.  When we study tarot as a book of spiritual wisdom, Judgment may teach us not to judge ourselves and others; to get over mistakes of the past and move forward without the burdens of anger and regret.


Register Now for September Classes in New Haven, CT, Madison, CT and Tequesta, FL

I love teaching, and I love that I get to teach a wide variety of topics in some very interesting places.

Registration is now open for the following September classes. In all cases, registration in advance offers you a discount, and reserves your seat.

On Sunday, September 9 at 7 pm I will be teaching “Tarot and the Four Elements” at True Bikram Yoga in New Haven, CT. This is a great hands-on tarot class for anyone interested in tarot, from beginners to experienced readers. You will learn about the power of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and how the Four Elements influence tarot, and teach us about ourselves.

On Sunday, September 16 at 7 pm I will be coteaching an exciting class with True Bikram studio owner Robin Brace at her Madison studio. Robin is a DoTerra representative. Together she and I will discuss plant magick – that is, metaphysical uses for essential oils. This will include using the oils to awaken intuition, and in working the Law of Attraction.

You may register for one of both classes on the True Bikram website.

After I return to Florida I will visit Dream Angels in Tequesta on Thursday, September 27 at 7 pm for a class in Tarot Key Words and Interpretations. You can reserve your seat for that on the Dream Angels website.

Very soon I will be releasing a new schedule of classes in my Palm City Conference Room, as well as some special online offerings, so stay tuned!


Upcoming Events

Sunday, August 26, 4 pm
Tarot Meetup: Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our tarot meetup for fun, food and fellowship as we share readings and tarot exploration together.


Wednesday, August 29, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings and study with tarot friends from around the world.


September 6-18
Last Northeastern Tour This Year!
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York

Readings, parties and house calls available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and NYC. Call 561-655-1160 for details.


Sunday, September 9, 7 pm
Special Class: Tarot and the Four Elements
True Bikram Yoga, New Haven, CT

The study of tarot, a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form, can offer insight, inspiration and personal reflection. One of the easiest ways to connect with the symbols of tarot is through the lens of the Four Elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Each of the Four Elements hold a powerful key to understanding astrology and tarot, and thereby, understanding yourself.

Join author Christiana Gaudet for a hands-on exploration of tarot appropriate for any level of experience, from expert to the merely curious.

Bring a tarot deck or borrow one at the workshop. There will be an opportunity to register on True Bikram Yoga’s website shortly.


Sunday, September 16, 7-9 pm
Plant Magic: Essential Oils to Enhance Intuition and Manifestation
True Bikram Yoga, Madison, CT

We all know that essential oils can offer profound healing of body and mind, but how can we use oils for spiritual growth and healing?

Join Robin and Christiana for an enlightening evening as you discover and deepen your own connection to guidance and wisdom, and your own ability to manifest your best destiny.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

The Difference Between Saying and Praying


Advice for Tarot Readers: Embrace the Blank Space