Maybe It’s Not Too Late!

Sometimes it’s only too late if you think it is! Try a new Divine Timing tarot spread to achieve your goals, and see what’s on the schedule for August.

In This Issue

Maybe It’s Not Too Late!

One of the biggest anxieties I see at the tarot table is the fear of the missed opportunity. There is even a specific tarot card that expresses that fear; the Five of Pentacles.
Typically, in that card image we see injured, impoverished people trudging in the snow past a lit building wherein we imagine they might have found shelter.
The question that card sometimes causes us to ask is whether we ourselves have failed to see the opportunity to enter the metaphoric building, or if we have been denied entry or cast out by something over which we have no control.
Is it too late to turn around and enter the door?
It’s true that sometimes we miss once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, and it’s sad when that happens. That can be our own fault, the fault of others, or sometimes just poor timing or bad luck.
Very often, though, I think we miss opportunities because we believe we are already too late, when really, if we thought about it a different way, we might be right on time.
Whether it’s love, success, creativity or happiness we desire, giving up because we believe it’s too late to find what we want is very often a cop-out, and a self-fulfilling prophesy.
The next time you find yourself thinking that a ship has already sailed, think again! Sometimes things of quality just take time to manifest, and sometimes the Universe saves the best for last!

From Around the Web


More Thoughts on Time and Tarot

If you still need convincing that it is not too late for success, here are 9 Late Bloomer Success Stories from
It’s certainly never too late for love! Here are 5 Tips for Finding Love Later in Life from Psychology Today.
Here’s something I wrote a few years ago about finding opportunity in the Five of Pentacles.
Interested in learning more about how to see timing in your tarot cards? Here’s a blog post I wrote about seven tarot cards that can indicate timing.
Looking to make a change in your life? Try this “Changing with Grace” tarot spread from

Tarot Classes and Parties in Christiana’s Conference Room!

This August brings two tarot classes to my new conference room in my office suite in Palm City!
On Wednesday, August 8th at 7 pm I am offering an updated version of my popular presentation “An Evening with the Tarot: Art, History and Culture”. This is a great class for anyone interested in tarot, from beginner to professional.
This class is a free and informal event. Bring a snack and/or beverage to share if you like.
On Sunday, August 19th at 4 pm I am offering “Tarot Basics and Beyond”. This is a foundational tarot class perfect for beginners, and for those who want to refresh or expand their knowledge.
Class size is limited to eight students. Class fee is $30. You must pay in advance to register, so sign up now!
Each month you can expect exciting free and premium events in my new conference room.
You can even use the conference room for a tarot party! Simply gather your friends and give me a call at 561-655-1160. You and each of your friends can enjoy a reading in the privacy of my reading room while everyone enjoys conversation, snacks, beverages and tunes in the conference room!

Divine Timing Tarot Spread

We are all waiting for something, whether it is the manifestation of our goals and wishes, the completion of a project, healing from trauma or a long-anticipated relationship.
As time goes on, sometimes it feels that our working and waiting will never avail us. Very often that discouragement causes things to take even longer!
This is an original 13-card tarot spread designed to help you set, understand and meet your goal, cultivate patience along the way, and proactively work toward your success.
Think about a long-term goal, personal or professional, that you have been frustrated with, or worried that it is too late to manifest.
Arrange twelve cards like the face of a clock, starting with the 1 o’clock position as the first card, and laying the cards out clockwise, letting the last card be the 12 o’clock.
Place a final thirteenth card in the very center.
When you interpret a larger spread such as this one, make sure you interpret trends in distribution – are there suits that are prevalent, or missing? Are there lots of Major Arcana cards, or few? What stories do the cards help each other tell? Do some cards give more information than others, or seem more significant?
Card 1 describes your goal, or your feelings about your goal.
Card 2 describes your ability, or actions, or advice to visualize, plan and manifest your goal.
Card 3 describes how you enlist and engage people around you in the process of working toward your goal.
Card 4 describes your fears, worries or problems dealing with the passage of time, and how long it is taking, or might take, to fulfill your goal.
Card 5 describes the impediments thus far – why is it taking so long, or what problems have arisen?
Card 6 offers advice to get yourself moving and motivated.
Card 7 describes something you think or tell yourself that isn’t helpful in achieving your goal.
Card 8 discusses your time management habits as they affect achieving your goal.
Card 9 discusses the role luck and fate may play in your future success.
Card 10 discusses the lessons and achievements you have already accomplished.
Card 11 discusses your capacity for patience, or what you must do to be more patient.
Card 12 shows us your possible final outcome.
The final card, in the center, has to do with divine timing. This is an opportunity for the Universe to ring in and give you advice or insight regarding the spiritual aspects and implications of achieving your goal in the perfect time, and why the perfect time might be later than you thought!
When you perform the spread, consider the advice you are receiving. If there are cards that don’t seem to support your ultimate success, think about what you can do to change those energies and move forward. Interpret all cards as advice for your ultimate success.

September: The Final Northeastern Tour of 2018

I want to thank everyone who had parties, attended classes and came to see me for private readings at True Bikram Yoga and on the Upper East Side during my June trip.
I'm now making plans for my September tour, the final one of the year.
I will be flying in to Connecticut on September 5th and returning to Florida on the 19th.  I will be making a side trip to NYC on the 7th and 8th.  If you would like to schedule a party, house call or event, or would like to book a private reading at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT or on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, please call or text 561-655-1160, or email me.

How to Have a Reading with Christiana

Tarot is a tool that helps us understand what is going on in life. In the hands of a gifted reader, tarot offers insight, inspiration, new perspectives and valuable information.
It’s easy to book a reading with me, and I am available to you from anywhere in the world.
I offer readings by phone, Skype, FaceTime and Messenger, as well as in-person in my office in Palm City, Florida.
A few times a year I also offer readings in person in Madison, Connecticut and New York City. The next opportunity to see me in those locations is coming up in September!
Depending on where you are located, I may also be able to visit you in your home for a house call or psychic party.
I work by appointment at your convenience, so I can be available seven days a week, including evenings.
The easiest way to schedule your reading is to call or text 561-655-1160. You can also email me with your request.
I can often get you an appointment within a day or two, so don’t hesitate to reach out!
I accept payment at the time of the reading and take all major credit and debit cards. I can also invoice you on PayPal.
If you are ready for healing, perspective and a greater sense of your path and purpose, make your appointment for a reading with me now.
If you want to take a bigger step, ask me about my mentorship programs! I offer mentoring in business, tarot, personal healing and creative and spiritual growth at affordable rates.

Upcoming Events

July 16-27
Spiritual Path of the Tarot Telesummit
It’s still not too late to catch this amazing line-up, and my call is Thursday, July 26!
Register now for 20 free calls with some of the world’s best-loved tarot teachers.
Thursday, July 26, 7 pm
Special Class: Psychic Development
Dream Angels
128 Bridge Road, Tequesta
You will enjoy this evening of practical instruction and empowering exercises designed to help you access your own psychic awareness.
Bring your psychic tools if you have them – pendulums, cards, etc.
We will explore many techniques to help you understand your most natural psychic connections.
You can reserve your spot now on the Dream Angels website.
Monday, July 30, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live
Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings and study with tarot friends from around the world.
Wednesday, August 8, 7 pm
Free Class! An Evening with the Tarot: Art, History and Culture
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City
Whether you are an adept tarotist or simply curious, you are guaranteed to learn something that surprises you at this exciting lecture! Be in the audience for the first presentation of this newly updated lecture that has captivated hundreds of attendees at events throughout Florida.
Feel free to bring your own tarot decks to participate in some hands-on exploration of the tarot symbols and images.
Admission is free, please bring a snack and/or beverage to share if you are able. Call 561-655-1160 for more information.
Sunday, August 19, 4 pm
Special Class! Tarot Basics and Beyond
Christiana’s Conference Room
In this class, tarot beginners will get a basic overview of tarot structure, traditions and techniques, and will be introduced to the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana.
Experienced tarotists will get not only a refresher, but a new understanding and perspective of both the cards and techniques for reading.
This is the first in an ongoing series of tarot classes designed to offer foundational tarot knowledge for spiritual seekers, curious explorers and dedicated diviners.
Class size limited to eight people. Class fee $30, payable on my website or by calling 561-655-1160. You must be prepaid to reserve your seat.
Sunday, August 26, 4 pm
Tarot Meetup: Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 Town Center Way, Palm City
Join our tarot meetup for fun, food and fellowship as we share readings and tarot exploration together.
Wednesday, August 29, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live
Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings and study with tarot friends from around the world.

About Christiana

Card & Craft, Inc.
Christiana Gaudet

1025 SW Martins Downs Blvd.
Suite 203
Palm City, FL 34990
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.
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Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Hard Tarot Truths: The Death Card, Death, What We Sometimes Don’t See, and What it all Means


Magical Thinking Versus Thinking Magically