Making a List

Have you noticed how many lists people make this time of year? There are gift lists and guest lists and wish lists, packing lists, grocery lists and our New Year’s resolutions. There are Santa’s lists that divide us into naughty and nice.

I like lists. They organize our thinking and help us quantify things that may otherwise seem abstract. Lists help us to see things objectively and set priorities. Lists help us remember things.

My grandmother once announced that she had stopped keeping a to-do list. Instead she was making a list at the end of the day of things she had accomplished. She found her “done lists” much more satisfying than her to-do lists had been.

Some spiritual philosophies suggest that we need to make lists of things that we want; qualities that we want in a future mate, for example, or blessings that we want to attract into our lives.

The phrase “count your blessings” came into popular use in the mid-1800s. Even today, we use this as an invitation to make a list of things we are grateful for, rather than list our complaints. The spiritual value of making such a list seems obvious.

There are other sorts of lists that can be spiritually or personally valuable to make. I sometimes ask clients to make a list of their skills and attributes. Other times I ask people to make a list of things they believe to be true about the world, or things that are giving them anxiety.

List-making is helpful in the contemplation of a question. Reading over the written list can often give us a perspective we didn’t have before.

When we make a list of goals, or even New Year’s resolutions, we create an energy that will support us in achieving these goals. When we make a list of things we believe we can often find and remove the false stories we tell ourselves.

During this busy holiday season, you can use lists to keep your celebrations on track. You can also use lists in deeper ways to help make 2019 the year you want it to be.

Jenna and Christiana Talk Tarot Biz, and You’re invited!

On Tuesday, December 11 at 9 pm EST Jenna Matlin and I are going to spend an hour together on Zoom talking about the tarot business, in advance of our day-long program to be held at Northwest Tarot Symposium this year.

If you are a tarot professional, or want to become one, please join us on Zoom for free! You will be able to ask questions and interact with us as we share some stories and ideas about what it is to be a tarot professional.

Below you will find all the information you need to join the conversation!

Topic: Jenna and Christiana Talk Tarot Biz

Time: Dec 11, 2018 9:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Use Tarot to Find the Perfect Gift

We all have at least one hard-to-buy-for person. There are a few creative ways to incorporate tarot as you make your gift list this year.

First, if you are thinking about a particular gift for someone but aren’t sure they will like it, ask the cards! Simply say, “How will Joe feel about receiving a toaster from me this year?” and pull a card, or a few cards.

If you have no idea what to get someone, try a one-card pull in answer to this question. “What would be a good gift for me to get Mary?” Remember to look at the elements of the card you pull. For example, Swords, or Air, might reference something involving writing or technology.

In this sort of a reading you can also look at the cards quite literally. A Cups card could indicate a bottle of wine or a nice coffee mug, for example. If you see something within the card image that captures your attention, that could also be a clue. Imagine pulling the Queen of Wands and feeling drawn to the cat in the picture. You might then remember that Mary loves cats and would enjoy a cat calendar.

The benefit of these sorts of exercises is twofold. First, you will get some great, creative gift-giving ideas. Second, you will have the opportunity to expand your understanding about the uses and interpretations of tarot!


The Week in Review

This week, I shared a new post about finding the process in a tarot card. For many, this is an entirely new way to experience the message of a tarot card.

You still have a chance to sign up for my LEAP 2019 New Year Tarot Session Special!

From Around the Web

It’s the first week of December, so here are some scopes and new month goodies for you!

Here are  tarotscopes from the Numinous.

If you want to know what the planets are doing in December, here is an overview of astrological aspects and transits.

The December new moon happens this week on December 7. Here are eight meditations especially for this December new moon.


Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 9, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our monthly tarot meetup! Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome. Bring your cards or borrow a deck at the meeting. You can RSVP on the Meetup site or simply meet us at Panera.

Monday, December 10, 7 to 8 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join tarot friends around the world for readings, conversation and tarot study. Simply visit my Facebook business page and look for the live stream.

Tuesday, December 11, 9 pm- 10 pm
Jenna and Christiana Talk Tarot Biz

In advance of our Professional Development Day at Northwestern Tarot Symposium, Jenna Matlin and I will be getting together for an informal chat on Zoom about the ins and outs of professional tarot, and you are welcome to join us for free! Find the details to join earlier in this newsletter.

Sunday, December 16, 4 to 6 pm
Magickal Energy: Working with Cards, Colors, Elements and More
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City FL

This hands-on class will teach you to harness energy to bring to your life the things you desire and remove from your life the things you don’t. Seating for this class is limited. You may reserve your seat and pay the $30 class fee using the link available on my website event listing, or you may call me at 561-655-1160 and register with me.

Thursday, December 20, 7 to 9 pm
Winter Solstice Class and Celebration
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta

Bring your tarot cards and let’s celebrate the return of the sun together! We will learn a tarot spread to forecast the New Year and enjoy some other seasonal tarot activities. Bring a holiday snack to share if you are able! You may register and pay your class fee with Dream Angels.

Sunday, December 23, 2 to 6 pm
Annual Holiday Open House
Unity of Stuart, 211 SE Central Pkwy, Stuart, FL

Bring some nonperishable food items to be donated to Treasure Coast Food Bank, and a holiday treat for the snack table. Join us for an afternoon of free tarot readings, astrology readings, palmistry, crystal readings and healing sessions, offered to you by our fabulous volunteers. For more information, call me at 561-655-1160.


Volume 1 Issue 20

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Seven Ways to Heal from a Breakup That Don't Involve Ice Cream


The Process in a Tarot Card