Elements of Life

To Dare.
I see within me all I am
Both shadow and light
Intertwined as one
Pulsating with life and breath.

To Know.
I study the selves
Taking notes, watching choices, reactions.
Where is the comfort between
Desire and Habit.

To Will
Choices each day
Create and build these two.
Creating the Truth of the
One who contains them both.

To Be Silent.
Is to Know the
Dreams I Dare
To push through to Completion
Create Me as much as I Create Them. 


Eclectic Pagan, Kitchen Witch, Tarot reader, Poet, Mentor, Student. I live in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with my amazing husband, two cats and a plethora of motorcycles in various stages of completion. 


The Paradox of Faith


Imagery and Energy: The Importance of Imagination in Divination, Magick and Healing