A Quick Guide to Psychic Protection

Who needs psychic protection? Quite possibly, you do!

Regardless of your daily activities, or whether or not you consider yourself to be “psychic”, it is very possible that you are affected by the energy of people around you.

If you are an empath, that is, one who feel the feelings of others without trying, you are especially in need of protection.

If you are a tarot reader, hairdresser, or massage therapist who feels drained after a few clients, you are definitely in need of psychic protection.

Many people refer to their method of psychic protection as a psychic “shield” or a “bubble”. I don’t like either of those images. I call my method of psychic protection a “psychic condom”.  To me, that is the perfect description of what I am creating; the ability to safely interact with people in a loving way.

Try this energy exercise before you leave the house in the morning. Quickly recharge it on your lunch break. If you are a professional diviner, try this short meditation before each client. You’ll find you end your day of readings with more energy that you had when you began.

Start simply by breathing. Focus on your breath, and nothing else. Breathe as deeply and slowly as you can. As you exhale, consciously release worries and tension that aren’t helpful or pertinent.

As you continue to breathe, send energy from your root chakra (base of the spine) down through your legs and into your feet. From your feet, send energy down, through the floor, and into the earth.

Feel your energy dig into the earth and connect to the earth. You are now rooted to the source of your sustenance and support.

Now, breathe energy up from those energetic roots, bringing that energy from the earth into your feet and legs, and then bringing it up your spine and up to the top of your head, your crown chakra.

If you have the time and inclination, you can spend a bit of time with each chakra on your way up, but that is not necessary for the process of protection.

Now, as you breathe, consciously open the crown chakra and send your energy up to heaven. Open yourself to the wisdom, protection and love from your ancestors, loved ones in spirit, guides, guardians and Higher Power.

You are now rooted to the earth and connected to heaven.

Now, bring that energy down and around you. Wrap yourself in that heavenly energy like a cloak.

Focus again on the energy coming up from the earth. Think of the energy leaving the crown chakra. Now, rather than sending it straight up to heaven, picture the top of your head as a fountain from which water flows in all directions. Picture your energy flowing, like water, from your crown chakra, around you in all directions, down to the ground, and then cycling through again, up through your feet, to your head, out, and down into the ground.

The constant flow of energycan continue, even after you begin your regular activities. It’s easy to recharge simply by remember to visualize it.

Once you can feel the energy flowing around you, give it a color that feel protective, and appropriate for the day.

If your daily activities cause you to interact closely with people, it’s also important to remember the following.

You have a limitless supply of energy and protection from the earth and from heaven. You do not need to give of your own energy, or take on anything from another person’s energy.

Think of yourself as a straw, or a conduit. You are able to channel whatever energy you need, and whatever energy you need to give, from an abundant source.

After you have practiced this meditative visualization for a while, you will be able to don your “psychic condom” in just a few moments. The differences you will notice in your daily life, in your energy, patience and sense of well-being, will be dramatic.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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