Tarot Topics Newsletter 1/7/2015

A New Year

There are so many wonderful traditions from around the world for celebrating the New Year. At the same time, there are those who remind us that the change of the calendar is arbitrary. Perhaps New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day don’t carry the power and meaning we give them.

I disagree. Even though the dates on our calendar don’t correlate our New Year with an astrological event, our New Year has power because we, the citizens of the planet, have agreed to give it power.

Think about it. Every nation of the planet rings in the New Year at midnight. We celebrate with resolutions, intentions, divinations, a kiss, and a song about friendship. That so many of us do this with the intention of creating a better year makes the New Year a very magickal time indeed.

What kind of magickal New Year celebration did you do? Is there more you want to do this month to help make 2015 your best year ever?

Tarot Divination and Manifestation for the New Year

Have you done a tarot reading for your 2015? Have you tried a tarot manifestation? You can use many techniques. Here is a technique for both divination and manifestation in one sitting. Try it before the end of January.

Shuffle your deck, and, using any method to pick the cards, pick fourteen cards, and lay them out in this way.

The first card represents 2014. The next twelve cards represent each of the twelve months in order, starting with January. The final card represents 2015 overall.

Look at your cards and interpret them. What do they tell you about the coming year, and about the year you are leaving behind?

Now it is time to use these cards to manifest wonderful things for 2015.

Look first at the card for 2014 and the card for 2015. Do you like the energy of these cards? Do you want these energies in your life? If you do, take a moment to welcome these energies with gratitude.

If either these cards represent something you don’t like or don’t want, turn the card upside down to reverse the energy, and dismiss these energies from your life.

Now take all twelve of your month cards, and from them choose the energies that you would most like to cultivate. That could be all twelve, or only one or two. Take these cards that you have chosen and spend some time with them, in meditation, while focusing on your intentions for 2015.

In divination, the tarot will show you the energies that are available to you. In manifestation, you will expand the energies you find most helpful, and diminish the ones you don’t.

The Week in Review

On the Winter Solstice, the Tarot Blog Hop did an exciting exercise where twenty-four of us each performed the same spread. The synchronicities are amazing. You can read mine, and then follow the links to see what my fellow bloggers did.

On my Dark Forest blog, check out my counterintuitive advice for happiness, “Stop Trying to be a Good Person.”

On my Tarot Topics Personal Blog, we have some great guest posts. Joanne Matthew shared a wonderful piece of holiday tarot creativity called “22 Gifts.”

Linda, from Treasures of Tarot, shared a great way of using tarot for the New Year called “A New Take on the New Year’s Resolution.”

My contribution to the community blog was a video and written blog in my “Answers to your Questions about Tarot” series. This time the question was about comparing the Emperor and the Hierophant.

From Around the Web

This fabulous post from Tabitha Dial at Spiral Nature is crafty, tarot-centric and spiritual. Why don’t you try “Crafting a Tarot Wreath”?

Here’s Jean Redman’s take on the numerology of our New Year. I always appreciate Jean’s grounded wisdom.

Since we are talking a bit about numerology, here is a post from Katrina Wynne, another tarotist I admire. Read “Arithmology, Arithmancy, and Numerology in Tarot”.

Year Cards: From the Chariot to Strength

Did you know that, with numerology, we can determine a Major Arcana card to describe the energy for the year? We do that by adding together the digits of the year until we come to a single digit.

2014 is a Seven year, associated with the Chariot. 2015 is an Eight year, associate with Strength.

I see the Chariot as a card of personal mastery. I see Strength as a card that encourages people to work together and compromise. For me, the transition from Chariot to Strength may indicate an increase in our ability to plant seeds for peace and unity on the planet, in our communities and within ourselves this year.

Look at your Chariot, and your Strength card. Can you think of ways the Chariot made itself known in 2014? How do you think Strength will influence 2015?

What’s up on the Psychic Café?

Christiana’s Psychic Café began in December 2012, as a live weekly webcast on the Para Encounters Network. Although PEN is no longer broadcasting as it once did, the Psychic Café continues to bring you the best in informal and informative conversation with some very interesting people.

Our first new show of the New Year will debut on Facebook on Sunday, January 11 at 9 pm. Watch it then, or enjoy in on my YouTube channel.

I am very excited to announce that my first guest of the New Year is Benebell Wen, author of the brand new 874-page book, “Holistic Tarot.” Benebell will be joining me from her home in California to discuss her work with tarot and her ground-breaking first book.

I am very much looking forward to my conversation with Benebell Wen, and to many other great guests in 2015 on Christiana’s Psychic Café.

Learning Tarot: Ace of Pentacles

It is wonderful that, in our first newsletter of the New Year, we begin our journey through the suit of Pentacles.

The suit of Pentacles is also called the suit of disks, coins, or stones. We associate the element of Earth with the suit of Pentacles.  Earth rules our resources, our material goods and physical well-being. Therefore, the cards of the Pentacles suit will refer to our resources, our work, our homes, our health, our money.

As with all the Aces, the Ace of Pentacles can speak of a new beginning, an essence or a source.

Typically, the Ace of Pentacles can indicate new money, a new job or a change at work. It could also indicate a new sense of grounding, or a new commitment to health and well-being.

The Ace of Pentacles may remind you to pay attention to your daily tasks, or to find a greater connection to nature.

Sometimes, the Ace of Pentacles can predict a pregnancy!

Next week, we will continue our journey as we learn to balance our resources with the Two of Pentacles.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your first one-card reading for the New Year is the Four of Wands. In Lisa Hunt’s Animals Divine Tarot, the Four of Wands is “Ladybug.”

The Four of Wands reminds you to enjoy your living space, and value it as sacred. Are you happy in your home? Is it time to redecorate, or invite friends over to enjoy your space with you?

This card can also be an indicator for romance. If you have a great partner, take time to enjoy each other this week. If you are looking for a great partner, this card is an auspicious sign of good things to come.

This week, remember that a wonderful home isn’t made from the finest bricks and stone. A wonderful home is made from love, passion, friendship and creativity.

So often, we spend so much time supporting our home that we forget to enjoy our home. This week, make your home, and the people in it, a priority!

Upcoming Events

Sunday January 11, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café

Benebell Wen’s remarkable new book, Holistic Tarot, was published last week. In our first new show of 2015, join me as we meet Benebell Wen and see what inspired her comprehensive, 900-page guide.

The show will debut on Facebook, and be archived on YouTube.

Saturday, January 17, 2 pm
A New Year of Possibilities: An Afternoon with Christiana Gaudet

Join us for a special live event in Royal Palm Beach!

What do you want to manifest for your 2015? What is possible for you this year?

Many times, your future is up to you. Sometimes, you don’t see your own wonderful possibilities.Join psychic Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet for a special presentation that will open your 2015 to the very best possibilities available to you!

In the comfort and safety of sacred space, Christiana will conduct a psychic gallery. She will answer questions and deliver messages to each participant. If you have questions about your life, your path or your purpose as you enter your New Year, Christiana will provide the guidance you need. You may even receive a message from a loved one is spirit!

People who have attended Christiana’s galleries are amazed by her accuracy, entertained by her wit and inspired by the wisdom they receive. Don’t miss this chance to create your best possibilities.Join psychic Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet for a special presentation that will open your 2015 to the very best possibilities available to you!

Join psychic Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet for a special presentation that will open your 2015 to the very best possibilities available to you!

In the comfort and safety of sacred space, Christiana will conduct a psychic gallery. She will answer questions and deliver messages to each participant. If you have questions about your life, your path or your purpose as you enter your New Year, Christiana will provide the guidance you need. You may even receive a message from a loved one is spirit!

People who have attended Christiana’s galleries are amazed by her accuracy, entertained by her wit and inspired by the wisdom they receive. Don’t miss this chance to create your best possibilities.

Seating for this event is limited and pre-registration is required. Admission is $25. To reserve your seat and get directions, call Mary Canane at 561-301-5355.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information on this event.

Wednesday, January 21, 7 pm
Free Webinar
Global Tarot Circle

Spend an hour with tarot, and with friends. This month we will be discussing New Year predictions, readings and manifestation. Join us from your computer, tablet or smartphone, or call in!

Saturday, January 31, 10 am
Metaphysical Society Expo, Sun City Center

I will be a featured speaker at the Metaphysical Society Expo in Sun City Center. I will also be available to sign books throughout the day. The Expo runs from 10 am – 5 pm, and will be in the Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center.

Admission is free. For information, call Vicky at 813 398-7033.

Sunday, February 1, 3:30 pm
Free Event
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup

Join us at Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, for a focused-but-informal exploration of tarot. Everyone with an interest in tarot is welcome.

About Christiana

 Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office
are available throughout Florida. 
Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Image from Animals Divine Tarot, art by Lisa Hunt.
Used with permission.

Tarot card  images from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.
Used with permission.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Inspirational Ants


Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen: A Groundbreaking Achievement