Welcome to my personal blog.
Here you will find my musings, thoughts and observations, all inspired by my experiences as a full-time professional tarot reader.
Manifestation with the Watery Suit of Cups
What can we learn about manifestation from the element of Water and the tarot suit of Cups?
This morning I taught a class on YouTube about the Suit of Cups. One of the things I love about teaching these sorts of classes is that I always get new ideas of how the cards work. Tarot is infinitely expansive; there are always new ways to see, understand, and process the cards.
My big unexpected take-away from the class was about how much we can use the element of Water and the suit of Cups in our practices of manifestation.
When I speak of manifestation I am speaking of prayer, of Law of Attraction, of Creative Visualization, and of magick. Use whichever words feel most comfortable to you. The premise is the same, however we might speak of it. When we want to bring something in to being, we must imagine it and see it clearly in our mind’s eye. In this way things move from thought to form.
Had I given much consideration to it, I might have more easily seen the suit of Pentacles as a suit of manifestation, since it is of the Earth element, and therefore already solid and real. I might have seen the suit of Swords as a suit of manifestation, because it is the suit of Air, and therefore related to the powers of the mind, where all manifestation begins. I might have even seen the suit of Wands, because of the passionate, spiritual motivation that we derive from the element of Fire.
But did I ever see Water as manifestation? Well, the Seven of Cups is one of the two cards that I strongly see a card of manifestation. The other is the Two of Wands. When I see either of these cards, I am inclined to ask my client to consider what they want to manifest at this time, and to encourage them to put their energy into bringing their desires into being. If both cards appear together, the need and ability to manifest is especially strong, and should not be ignored.
Truly, all four tarot Aces invite manifestation, and it was with the Ace of Cups that our discussion of manifestation began. Each Ace offers a beginning, an essence, a concept, and a jumping-off point. Each Ace is a seed from which something might grow.
What came to me very clearly was this. Everything I have ever learned about manifestation and magick includes a specific central point. The emotion that we put into our vision is paramount in our ability to bring that vision into being. Without feeling it, without emotion driving it, the manifestation will not have life.
While some tarot cards can speak of, and offer opportunity for, manifestation, we can use any tarot card to bring something in to being. Each card carries an energy. Tarot magick is simply the practice of using specifically chosen cards to bring us the energy we want, or to banish from us the energy that doesn’t serve us.
When we study the suit of Cups we might see instruction on how to channel our emotions toward manifestation. We might specifically see a story of manifesting more love in our lives, and on the planet.
What do you see about manifestation in the suit of Cups?
How to do a Cord-Cutting Ritual to Heal from an Unhealthy Relationship
What is the Cord, and Why Cut it?
Recently a metaphysical media maven suggested to me that it was a good idea to do energy work to reunite couples even when one member of the couple does not want the reunion. This has been a trick of shyster psychics for generations – some even print claims on their business cards that they can “reunite lost love”.
One of the reasons for doing this kind of work given me by this otherwise compassionate and intelligent individual has to do with the energy field.
The idea is that when people are in relationship their energy fields (auras) meld. When they separate, they are still in each other’s energy fields.
Similar theories suggest that this is true of any relationship, not just romantic relationships. Families are held together by energetic cords even when they are not physically in proximity to one another.
Therefore, the reasoning goes that once we are in each other’s energy fields we are best to stay together.
The problem with the idea that we should strive to always be with the people with whom we share energy is this. Sometimes those people are dangerous to us. Sometimes those people are abusive of us. Sometimes it is simply not healthy for us to be around certain people – even if they are family members, or even if we love them.
It’s important to remember that in romantic relationships love is not the only necessary component. Just because we love someone does not mean we should be partnered with them. Often we need a relationship to fail to figure that out.
I am always puzzled by the people who are sure that a particular person is their destined partner when that particular person is simply not interested, or no longer interested. If a partnership is spiritually ordained can’t we assume that both people would feel it and want it? To suggest to a person struggling with the pain of this situation that there is a magical remedy that could reignite love is simply disingenuous for three (obvious) reasons. First, giving false hope is hurtful. Second, as long as one is clinging to that false hope they are unable to heal. Third, to use energy work to manipulate someone into doing something they would not do on their own breaks many rules of ethics. A person who chooses to be with someone because they have unknowingly received energy work is not acting of their own free will. That cannot be “love” in any sense.
There is something that can be done to help a person who is trying to stay away from an abusive partner or trying to have good boundaries with a toxic family member. A forlorn lover unable to unite or reunite with the person they desire will also find this process helpful and healing. Once the healing is complete the person will be truly free to pursue the relationships that will be most healthy and rewarding.
How to Cut the Cord
This method can be performed for you, or you can perform it yourself. I think most people believe it is best to do it for yourself because the energy will be fed by your own strong emotions.
The ritual is called “Cutting the Cord.” Its purpose is to sever the energetic cord between you and another person.
You can be as ceremonial or as casual as you like. You need to perform this ritual in sacred space, whatever that means to you. Simply, prepare yourself and your space by praying, meditating, lighting candles or incense, invoking angels, ancestors or the Four Elements. Whatever is appropriate for your spiritual beliefs and cultural practices will work to prepare you for this ritual.
To perform the basic ritual you need a string. It can be a thread, yarn, or a cord. If you want to choose a particular color, black is preferred. If you want to choose a particular length, a number of inches or feet that is a multiple of nine is preferred.
If you have a picture of yourself and a picture of the person from whom you are separating you can use pictures in this ritual. Otherwise simply write your name on a piece of paper and write the other person’s name on another piece of paper.
The physical action is simple. Roll up each picture or name and tie one end of the cord to each. With a pair of scissors or knife cut the cord in the middle. When you make the cut focus your emotions and visualize that you are severing the energy that ties you together.
If you want to add some power to your ritual you can use a candle to sever the cord with fire. You may choose a candle to represent your healing, strength and wholeness. You may “dress” the candle by anointing it with oil and inscribing it with symbols that are meaningful to you.
Dress the candle first, then tie the cord to the pictures or papers, then light the candle.
As you watch the candle burn see yourself as whole and well, and see your heart as healed.
When you use the candle to sever the cord picture each of you as whole and well.
Remember this is not meant to hurt the other person. This ritual should be healing and freeing for both of you.
Once you have cut the cord you are free to heal your heart, and to love again in healthier ways.
When the ritual is over dispose of the two lengths of cord in separate places, unless you are able to burn them. Likewise with the two pieces of paper. If you used pictures and want to keep them you should store them separately.
If you use a candle, burn it fully to support your heart as it heals.
With your heart healed, go forward merrily into life, being open to love and fulfillment.
I'm available to read for you by phone, FaceTime or Skype, or in person if you happen to be in the Tampa area. Call or text 561-655-1160, or email me!